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Davidson 21

Started by Rob Davison, December 21, 2005, 01:11:58 PM

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Rob Davison

Seadragon is a Davidson 21 that spent her early years in Ladysmith BC.   I have found very little information on the boat as far as designer or the number built  I belive that equals one.   She has a large cabin and small cockpit.  The cabin has a liner that forms benches the length of the interior and I have rigged a V-berth in the bow area.  she has ample storage under the seats and cockpit seats.
There is no galley or enclosed head due to the previous owners intention of turning her into a race boat.
aux power is currently a good running 4.5 hp 2 stroke Mercury that someday will be the power for the dinghy.

The Photo was taken at the Poulsbo Wa Marina dock Aug 05.

Jack Tar

Looks like you got there before the rush Rob. Hope to see you in 06.   
It's not about the sails the boat or the rigging it's about  freedom