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Cyric's engine reinstall

Started by CharlieJ, June 03, 2017, 06:25:29 PM

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Cyric  drove down from Ark on Tues and we've been doing this and that on his boat. First order of business was unclogging the cockpit drains. A plywood seat had rotted on the bottom and chunks of badly rotted wood found it's way into the drains. Using a spring finger, and a stiff wire,, that was accomplished on Weds morning. Next chore was replacing the float switch on the bilge pump. While out, used wet vac and cleaned bilge. Job two done.

Then came the reason for the trip - newly rebuilt diesel and transmission

Believe it or not, he brought the engine and trans down in a Nissan :)

We used a come along to put the engine down into the cabin, then put the trans in by hand, bolted it all together in cabin, then used a four part vanging tackle to lift and support while Joe shoved and wiggled it into place. No room for two to work, so I handled tackle and he shoved

Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


and the last pic (limit of four in one post)- the engine in it's place. Joe spent a good while yesterday and most of today hooking it all back up. Has had a few gotcha's, but he's getting there. You can see the space available to work
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


 :)  Congratulations!  Good help cannot be beat, and CJ is the best.

Anything that was removed more than a few days ago will have some gotcha's, so nothing new there.  That is excellent progress for 2 days.  Can putts be far away?

I always hated that kind of constricted work space, and now it is not a choice, I just plain cannot get there.  Plenty of sympathy here.  :(

Keep us updated.



First off
A Big thank you to Charlie for putting up with me at his place, and for helping with the reinstall. the motor might could be put back in place by 1 person, but it wouldn't be any fun at all. Second a big thank you to "Columbia Guy" dont want to use his name without permission and hes not on the forum, for helping lift engine out of car and last little bit of lowering into boat. Ive got it to the point where i can start it, but i also am at a impasse as i am missing some small but critical throttle and transmission cable parts to hook it up correctly, and also the wiring is a rats nest and im afraid the whole panel will have to be took out and redone. really wanted to get more done but, the going is slow since im trying to piece it back together, without being the one who took most of it apart.

Also thanks for taking the pics Charlie as i tend to forget stuff like that :(

will give an update if i get it started



Hey- the man showed up bearing steaks!!! :)
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


You just added ballast that serves a double purpose. Sweet. :)
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