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Allure 17/18

Started by Frank, December 03, 2017, 03:48:46 PM

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Bob J (ex-misfits)

Thanks again Frank!
Had time to kill before a meeting yesterday so stopped in at AltE in Boxborough MA looking at panels. I think I'm going to go with 2-24 volt 100 watt panels. I need something that will charge my 48 volt propulsion bank. Kicking around how to mount them but the boats covered so looking like a springtime project.

Just don't have the room for anything bigger & a single 32 volt panel  besides being huge would require a boost controller, thus reducing the amp output. I apologize for hi jacking the thread.
I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!


An observation...

Not saying they are good or bad boats, sail well or not...


Seems the folks that own island packets actually get out and use their boats!
There is a truly disproportionate amount of them "out here" compared to other builds.                                                                     
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Winds prevented heading to S Abacos until last Saturday.
There is an invisible dividing line.....a shallow bank between Whale Cay and the mainland (Abaco island)  With strong N to E winds the swells pile up and break over the shallow inside pass "don't rock pass" as well as the outside as the ocean swells pile up coming into shalowwr water. At times it takes weeks to cross... When it's blowing, as it has been for weeks, it's call a rage sea. Locals will say "whales in a rage mun"
Anyhoot.....a bunch of us headed S last Saturday. Being the only shallow draft boat I took "don't rock pass" while the others all went around the Whale. We all got a bit beat up but made it to Guana on the S end.
I had to time breakers on the shallow bank just befor the pass. They had a few big ocean swells, the odd one breaking, to empty shelves.
It was worth it as Saturday is $10 rib night at Orchid Bay Marina at Guana
They tasted all the better after the day we had getting there.

The crew....
Average age around 65+
Still adventurous!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


We swarmed a tiny roadside bar. Steve and Bob brought along their guitars for entertainment. Great way to have a few drinks.
All but one patron was in our group
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Football was watched at Grabbers on the beach. Who'd a thought Jacksonville would have such an early leed!
Great afternoon.
Next day was a boat party with 15 of us crammed aboard.
Great food, drinks and friends!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


It was a slow, slightly hung over passage to Marsh Harbour to detox, provision and clean up the boat for company landing Saturday.
Provisioned yesterday from Anchor, took a slip at the Jib Room today to make laundry, water filling and boat cleaning simple. The fact it was rib night tonight had NOTHING to do with the plan.
I chuckled as this is the first day in a marina since launching back in mid November .

Last night from anchor
Ribs tonight

PS...the gang has scattered.
Some to Hopetown
Others N to Green Turtle
Some to Man of War
That's how cruising goes.....
You get to know people over the years and enjoy the company when courses cross. I'm sure we will all meet up several times again this year.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Bob J (ex-misfits)

Quote from: Frank on January 24, 2018, 04:23:51 PM
An observation...

Not saying they are good or bad boats, sail well or not...


Seems the folks that own island packets actually get out and use their boats!
There is a truly disproportionate amount of them "out here" compared to other builds.                                                                   

A friend had a 27 IP, sold it bought a 31IP.  He says it's a little slow in light air but he's been out in 18' seas with it & said he felt pretty safe.

Looks like good times. Thanks & keep em coming Frank.
I know myself & I'm sure others appreciate it.

I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!



Funny about the Island Packets..
Seems the boats attract folks that will actually get out and use them!
Most seem like experienced cruisers that knew what they wanted.

Just in from a marina shower. What an absolute luxury to not heat water on the stove and then be SO stingy with it. Funny what puts a grin on your face when you're cruising.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Quote from: Frank on January 25, 2018, 06:21:40 PM
Funny about the Island Packets..
Seems the boats attract folks that will actually get out and use them!
Most seem like experienced cruisers that knew what they wanted.

...says the guy sailing a 27' Near-Island Packet... ;D

But i concur. See lots of them when the transients are migrating. Maybe even more than any one other particular brand.

Frank - a Q for Budget Research: so say you a sailor spends the day with their 'Gang' partying ashore - how much does that set a person back, down there? Are they drinking like CJ, Faith, and You do, a dozen or so drinks an hour, or is it a much slower, sipping kind of thing? Been thinking/reading about 'budgeting' lately. How much are you getting by on down there, on a monthly basis or so?
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


PS - can see that shoal behind Whale on Google Maps/Earth...
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Kurt...budjet is a tuff question.
You get to know where to go and when for cheap nights out EI: rib night $10 at Guana and what places to buy certain items. are responcible for your own wallet drain.
On Green Turtle I go for breakfast with the boys, $9 tip in, lunch onboard, 2 happy hour drinks socializing at Sundowners, maybe a $5:50 hamburger, then back to the boat. Some nights I missbehave and drink more if the company is good. Other nights I don't go out. Add BYOB boat party's and events... Lots of choices on how much OR how little to spend. I know one couple on a $20 day budjet and they have fun.
I use credit card for almost everything as cash is difficult to get here and last month was $1080. A bad month is $1500+
I think I'm about average here. Some spend a lot more...Others a lot less.
Drink both less and on your boat (or other boats) (rum is cheap here) cook on the boat, fish a bit and dive lobsters a bit....heck....probably $400 month could cut it. Data has come way down now there is competition. 6 gigs was $25. That's what 2 gigs cost just a couple of years back.
Life is full of choices.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Left Marsh Harbour Tuesday for a very enjoyable reefed down sail to Hopetown. It was blowing 20-25 on the beam so ran on about a 90% Jib unfurled only. Full control in a close reach to the turn then a broad reach the remainder. Unfurled more for the broad reach. Chuckled at how satisfied I was not pushing the boat to the max and enjoying the nice ride. Years ago much more sail would have been up.

Allure in Hopetown
God made small boats for younger boys and older men



Keep running into this Seafarer 31 hull #1

Here in Hopetown harbour is the 4th place we've shared.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


What is the boats name? Jim Brown's boat was a Searunner 31, named Scrimshaw. That was likely hull #1
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Frank your reply this morning and went to look but there he was...gone.
I have another pic from earlier this year and zooming in where it says Searunner 31. You'll notice in the circle under seasrunner it states #1

So, quite possibly Jim Browns!

If I run into him again I'll verify the name
God made small boats for younger boys and older men



Does this look familiar?

Pic from a few weeks back...
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Could be- cabin color is right. I last saw the boat in 1989 so who knows :) His son was aboard.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


that was his youngest son. I was building my trimaran, and he was visiting the place, anchored out. He kept showing me things and saying- "my dad does thus and so"

I finally asked "who is your dad?"

he responded "Jim Brown"

I began paying attention :) and learned a couple of things
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Cool story CJ
I'll pay more attention next time I cross paths with the tri..
God made small boats for younger boys and older men