An old girlfriend just called.....

Started by Frank, June 04, 2018, 05:33:44 PM

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I feel blessed to be back CJ
Truly love it here….
Even on days like today…
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


I guess that means that Marsh Harbour has recovered from the hurricane damage?
Bayfield 29 "Seeker"
Middle River, Chesapeake Bay


Frank, is that a feed to a radio from your back stay?  With no metallic tackle, you do have the lower end insulated.  I just noticed what looks like small wire connected to the backstay, leading down somewhere.

The harbor sure seems peaceful!

Up north, in Maryland, we are waiting to see how much snow we get Sunday, I am hoping for a lot, that will mean we will NOT get the freezing rain, which I detest.  Snow is much easier to deal with, and never stops me if I wish to go someplace.

I do not plan to go out on the roads, though, just shovel the snow and relax at home.  I drove thousands of miles at work on snow covered roads, 130 in a single day, not a single piece of cleared pavement, and frame deep in places.  Those were the days to reminisce about, not wish to repeat!

The warm white sand is a fine substitute down there, wish I were there too.


The last picture is Black Sound on Green Turtle Cay.
Green Turtle has come a long way! Still some clean up, still some construction but truly has recovered significantly.
Hopetown would be next...
Guana and Man of War still need a lot of rebuilding.
Marsh Harbour is getting cleaned up.... a monumental task really as there was so much debri! Still has lots of buildings to tear down. Still tons to rebuild! The waterfront was basically destroyed! Twisted dock piling, no docks and concrete slabs where building stood. A few marinas are rebuilding... no where near complete but rebuilding. Mangoes isn’t... too bad as many memories there. The harbour which often had over a hundred boats anchored years ago only had 4 to 7 the 6 days I spent there. Driving around Marsh Harbour still feels somewhat apocalyptic... Maxwells huge grocery store is fully rebuilt and extremely well stocked though.

Norman, that’s my back stay. It’s an adjustable split backstay and I have it fairly tight. That “wire” is simply excess.
Growing up in NE Ontario I understand your “driving in snow” comments. Enjoy the snow from your window!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


 A week ago I was anchored in Fishers Bay, Guana Cay.
A rental cat pulled in and I went up to see what was happening when I heard anchor chain paying out so close.
He ended up literally right beside me about 20ft away...
I said nothing but I guess my “look” was enough to get him to move...
Chain up, move over slightly
Chain down...and down..and down.
Seemed like he put out 150ft of chain and was now well behind me.
I hollered over “you’re only in 5 ft of water”, knowing that he would take me out on a wind shift swing...
Chain up and up until he was right beside me, just like the first time only about 15ft further...
Frustrated, I did what and sensible man would...
I went below, brought up my Bose remote speaker, faced it towards the cat and put AC/DC “Thunderstruck” on at full.
Apparently they were not AC/DC fans as they pulled anchor and moved about 400ft behind me.
I turned down the tunes and enjoyed a glass of wine... mission accomplished.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

s/v Faith

I had seen this post and thought I had replied…. Guess getting old is affecting more then just the stickers!

Thank you Frank, I’ll have to get down there to replace it!

Quote from: Frank on December 18, 2021, 09:05:47 PM
The sail far sticker finally is gone. Ole tractor is rusting away. Way worst shape than a couple years ago..

Grabbers is rebuilt
Nippers almost… will have a soft opening Dec 27
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Get ur butt down here!

Hope all is well my friend
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Bob J (ex-misfits)

That's frustrating. I have the same issue up in Maine. For whatever the reason people see a boat, guess they think that guy knows what he's doing.  Guess I'll anchor over by him. I usually fire up my Honda generator, problem gets solved pretty quick :)

I have a Bose Mini-Cube, nice speaker!
I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!


No need of encroaching if there’s lotsa room!
Always find it frustrating.....
Yep, the little Bose are kinda amazing for their size!

Have fun

If they were AC/DC fans, I had opera ready next 😂😂
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


:) Brings to mind an old tale-

I was crewing on  a friends 50 foot ferro schooner-50,000 pounds. We were anchored  and a Catalina 30 came to anchor very close along side. The couples wife went on deck and informed the guy he was too  close. The guy hollered he was just fine and  mind your own business. She responded- "suit yoursef, but we weigh 50,000 pounds, are on a 100 pound anchor and 100 feet of chain, and there is 12 feet of tide  here, and she came below. Very soon we heard an ANGRY womans 'voice yelling. VERY soon after the guy began hauling his anchor and moved about 300 or so away feet away:)  Don't guess he wanted to argue :) :)
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Quote from: CharlieJ on January 20, 2022, 02:51:29 PM
:) Brings to mind an old tale-

I was crewing on  a friends 50 foot ferro schooner-50,000 pounds. We were anchored  and a Catalina 30 came to anchor very close along side. The couples wife went on deck and informed the guy he was too  close. The guy hollered he was just fine and  mind your own business. She responded- "suit yoursef, but we weigh 50,000 pounds, are on a 100 pound anchor and 100 feet of chain, and there is 12 feet of tide  here, and she came below. Very soon we heard an ANGRY womans 'voice yelling. VERY soon after the guy began hauling his anchor and moved about 300 or so away feet away:)  Don't guess he wanted to argue :) :)

Good one 👍
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Sailed up to Manjack for a solo sailor friends 65th to be celebrated on a Schucker.
Hurricane Helen gig folks over with her outfit on 🤣
2 guitar players, pot luck and punch...
Great evening
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Sailed off anchor this morning and up to the N anchorage to visit friends. Nice jungle walk.
Did a beach walk after before enjoying a sundowner later with a view.

Lots of fun on an old 24ft boat!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

s/v Faith

That looks like the mother Schucker!  Please do convey my best, I had such a wonderful night aboard (albeit even if I was slightly over served).
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


You are correct, although the mother schucker fleet has grown to 3 now!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Sunsets never get old...
Always different
Beautiful lately
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Big blow started yesterday.
Rather than moving into Black Sound to a mooring, shallow draft paid off and I moved close in and tied to a Dorian damaged dock piling.
Built up to 34 gusting 45 from late morning and all afternoon. Still howling out there. Amazing how snug a cabin can be...
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Every once in a while ya get lucky with a picture...

Sunset at anchor, Manjack Cay
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Quote from: Frank on January 18, 2022, 07:15:03 PM
No need of encroaching if there’s lotsa room!
Always find it frustrating.....

I wonder whether inexperienced cruisers may think that anchoring close by is the friendly/social thing to do? I've been wondering what I might say if it happened to me. If there is a real risk of collision when a boat swings, you have to say something. There's a chance you may get the same response as the guy in CJ's story. When there isn't a collision risk, but someone is encroaching on your space or privacy, when it is an etiquette matter, for me it's more difficult to express that, tactfully. You hope that they will already know. Hope that they have the experience that they apparently do not already have. Maybe some will read about it on threads like this? 


I think it’s more often simply inexperience...
Some folks just don’t care, but it’s typically charter boats so .....

Speaking of anchoring...
Before the $$ crash of 08, Marsh Harbour would have over 100 boats
At times, way over
Was often hard to find a spot to swing.
Things slowed after the financial crisis to moderate numbers
Now, with Covid after Dorian... there were only 3 of us anchored today!
I’ve been here a few nights now as I booked my booster jab for this morning.
Most since I’ve been here is 8... crazy

The place is getting rebuilt... clean up was massive!

God made small boats for younger boys and older men