An old girlfriend just called.....

Started by Frank, June 04, 2018, 05:33:44 PM

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I'll have to double check, but I think that maybe my "Oh Sh*t!" anchor is a Spade. It's a 45#'er that a catamaran guy left here when he slightly bent the shank trying to get his boat off of the island he'd run up on***. I use it for them storms what have Names, which is why I named it what I did. :D

***Took SeaTow near 2 months to get him off again. He timed it just right, ran waayyy up on the beach during the highest point of a King Tide, and, adding insult to injury, there were also northerly winds which push even more water up into the Bay... DOH!
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Quite the way to secure your vessel... would definitely work.

I've looked at tests and these seem a good anchor. They are rudely expensive!
Don't know anyone with one tho... that may be partly due to their price..
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Frank, in the lighter weights, aluminum anchors perform poorly on hard bottoms.

I had the smallest real Danforth on my Neptune 16, and it worked great in the sandy, mucky Potomac River, but on the tidally scoured Indian River inlet, just slid along the bottom.

The water was shallow, my son waded to the anchor and stood on the end of the flukes while I jerked the rode. eventually, it started to dig in, and we had a good set,  In deeper water, that would have been impossible.

The question is now in your area of expertise, do you have smooth, hard bottoms where you anchor?  Pebbly bottoms will have this problem too.


Thanks Norman..
The design has weight added to the point underneath.....
The physical size of the anchor seems right
I just can't get my head around "10 lbs"..
I'm sure your right in that it's simply not heavy enough to dig in a hard bottom.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

s/v necessity

I'm guessing that if you are looking to go with a 10# anchor, then it's probably pretty good (for 10 lbs!).  S/V Panope on youtube has some great videos showing various anchors setting and I think he has reviewed both the aluminum and steel models (comparable sizes, but different materials and weights)


Frank, when will you be back in the Bahamas? We all could use a "fix".
Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion


It's been several years since I spent Christmas at home. Older sisters and long term friends... we are all aging, so I figure a Christmas at home is overdue.
Sometime after new year I'll head down.
With all the craziness in the world, I could use some deserted beachs myself 🤣
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Here's a few from last winter to hold you over :)
It is SO easily attainable!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Thanks Frank!  Those pics give me a yearning to sail south.
Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion


Enjoying my first Christmas season at home in a few years.
Busy with family and friends. Let's say that "the wine is flowing" 🤣
Thoughts went to Deja Vu this afternoon and I looked back to confirm how I left her.
I find it's helpful to take pictures both inside and out right when you leave as if you're like myself, you'll wonder if you did something or remembered to put "whatever" where you wanted it for storage.
Pictures make it easy to look back to verify, then relax.
I tarp the dingy to help with UV protection. The tarp will be partially disintegrated when I return but I figure it's still worth it for the protection it offers ..
As I looked at the picture, I chuckled as this is the first boat I've had in the yard where no other ladder is needed. The stern boarding ladder drops low enough that it works well on the hard and in water..
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


I'll be headed out Tuesday to reunite with Deja Vu
Typically go down sooner but took a different adventure this January.
Asked a friend to check in on her and she looks much as I left her..
A few maintenance items and hope to be floating late this week.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Looking forward to your posts.

I'm planning on sailing to the Bahamas late November/early December. Maybe we can meet up?

Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion


I should be in the Abacos late December if all goes as hoped.
Would be fun to meet!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


My current plan is to leave immediately after Thanksgiving, then fly home for Christmas and return the 1st week of January.  Wife gave me permission to stay until May. 
Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion


That's great!
Keep in touch. As your departure gets closer, we can chat over the phone with charts in front of us.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Locals tell me they've had some cool days but it's been over 80 in the boatyard. Too hot for this northerner putting canvass on and doing bottom paint.
Got an invite for lunch and the tranquil turtle. Beautiful setting and nice break from yard work .
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion


Good to see you back South again, Frank.

Also thank you for the lovely photos.


Hope to launch Monday.
More once underway....
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Splashe yesterday in time to sail up to Manjack for a friends 70th b day party on the beach. Beautiful weather!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men