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Started by Owly055, July 26, 2018, 12:11:27 PM

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     When sailing in foreign places, the authorities often demand multiple copies of all sorts of documents.  This would seem to make a printer or copier almost a necessity. The problem of course is salt air & electronics are really not very compatible.    Personally I like laser printers.  They seem more rugged than ink jets.... I don't care about color, and a cartridge lasts a long time, no nozzles to clog.   Unfortunately they are nothing like as small as ink jets can be.... ;-(
      It seems to me that a vacuum sealer is also a critical piece of equipment.  What better way to store stuff away from salt air.  In a perfect world we would have a vacuum sealed safe aboard for electronics, tools, etc.   



Over the years, I have traveled to 27 foreign countries, some two or three times. and have never needed a copier.  Some points of transit did make copies, with their machines.  Visits to communist countries, in particular made copies of everything.  I traveled by boat, airplane, train,bus, car and on foot (Vatican City).  When I first put a number up there, it was 22, but I kept remembering another.

In the modern world, a place of business with a copier is within a block of anywhere you are, and for a trivial fee, will copy anything for you.  In a very small town in Ireland, a friend asked if he could make a copy of a small map that I had, we walked in a real estate shop, asked if they had a copier, affirmative, and the fee was 25 cents, and the copy was a color one.  They also let me check my email for nothing.

Technically, a lazer is probably out of the question, they have very high voltage used in them, and are not reliable in spaces without humidity control, the drum must be perfectly dry.  When the air conditioner failed on a hot humid day at work, in a trailer with no shade, we opened the windows and turned on fans, and the copier went down.  Service man told us to never operate it without the AC on.