Here comes Florence. Blech.

Started by CapnK, September 08, 2018, 10:11:00 AM

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That pretty much sums it up...

Who else is on the eastern seaboard N of Florida? We're most likely to take a direct hit here as of now, but there's always hope it'll veer or track away from coming right over us at least.
Please Buy My Boats. ;)



Being that I'm just up the coast here in Georgetown, let's hope we're both lucky and it goes at least 150 miles N of you... ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


A little graphic I made to compare the Fri and Sat 11AST NHC map. Friday is the blue line. Wouldn't mind seeing that red line keep going up, up, up, up, up...
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Hard to say this far out but somebody is going to get whacked for sure as u.s. landfall is getting to be more of a certainty. Good luck to everyone


The real hope is that she does not intensify, copying Gordon.

With a coastal predicted arrival date of Wednesday, flights on the East coast will be a mess for a day or three if she is in the higher categories, and I am flying then.

Kurt, are you planning to stay aboard again?



watching this thing. hopeing everone stays safe. lots if my friends in the bullseye.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Bubba the Pirate

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


Here on Rappanock River, 3 miles up from the Bay. Hoping that thing makes a 90 degree turn and moves out to sea. At the moment we would seem ok other than problems caused by high (for us) surf - destroying docks, piers, and filling channels.  Not life threatening, but expensive. Really don't know what does the most damage, a brush with a Hurricane or the nor'easter's rumbling up the coast.

Bob J (ex-misfits)

All you folks down south stay safe, the beast is coming.
I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!


"Oh Lord, thy sea is great, and my boat is so small."

Looks like y'all are going to have a rough patch going forward. Remember, boats can be replaced. You can't!

There's a lot you can do to prepare for the storm, but once it arrives, theres not much you can do safely. Take care and be safe!


God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Here's the latest, which puts me in relatively mild conditions on the far SW edge of things.

Thanks for all the good wishes, & keep it up, they seem to be working. ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Looks like our friends near Oriental and New Bern are going to have a rough time. Capt. Smollett et al, we are thinking of you.


Have also been thinking about you all and the fleet, Kurt, especially when the track line seemed to go directly over you earlier, with concerns following the track toward John and his family, as well.


Lots of notice so I hope everyone is as prepared as possible and stays safe!
Hopefully any damage will be minimal. Take care of yourselves!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

s/v Faith

Please everyone do be safe....  this looks like a serious one.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Here in Norfolk, boat was hauled yesterday. Going tomorrow morning to remove all the sails and canvas. Hoping for miracle and Florence turns away....not likely.
Stay safe everyone in harms way
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail


Florence is a schizo.

Saw a funny: "Being in the path of a hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle."

A schizo turtle, with fangs, and a knife...
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Bob J (ex-misfits)

Just saw the latest forecast.
I'll be praying for everyone down in the Carolinas.
I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!