Fall/winter 2018/2019 plans?

Started by Frank, October 28, 2018, 12:15:29 PM

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What's everyone up to?
Cruising south?
Cruising at all?
Boat projects?
New boat items for Christmas?

Inquiring minds want to know??
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


The plan this winter is to completely empty my bank account do a fair amount of boat work, focussing on the Mast, with some engine work, and unused thru-hull sealing.

The distressing list can be found here.

I'm not sure how much I'm actually going to get done. The forecast, last I heard, is for an unpleasant winter; but we'll see. I may end up launching a little late next year if it comes to it. Hopefully not.
Bayfield 29 "Seeker"
Middle River, Chesapeake Bay


Sailing to Abacos(Charleston,SC to Lake Worth then across to West End) mid January........taking the "warden".........


God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Sorry I haven't popped in in a while. I was working at a boatyard/marina this year and the fall haul-out season is madness. I was a part time dockmaster there and my job was mostly facility maintenance and hip towing the customer boats around.

Raylay and I had a pretty good year working in Boston. We had a slip near downtown at the marina where I was working. I also had part time jobs as the captain of a few different sightseeing boats in Boston harbor, including a big wooden schooner, which I really enjoyed.

In August, Raylay and I participated in a truly amazing group trip, a coastal sailing/camping tour of some island farms in Down East Maine. A group of 13 gathered and boarded a 38ft, open wooden boat (Bantry Bay Gig) with 10 rowing stations and a 3 masted lug rig. For a week, we learned to row/sail traditionally with no modern navigation equipment, camped in various spots on the coast of Maine, volunteered at some island farms, and enjoyed no cell phone usage!

We hauled Mona out in October and I pulled her engine, an old Yanmar 3qm30. We needed to access a leaking fuel tank and the engine needed some maintenance, so with the help of a friend and a chain hoist attached to the boom, we wrestled this 700 lb beast out.

If you're curious about what a raw water cooled engine looks like inside after 40 years....

But dangit, even though our engine seemed to be running perfectly well, we discovered low compression and leaking valves. Upon further inspection, we learned that our head was irreparably cracked and had been leaking saltwater into one of the cylinders!!  :-[ :'(

Luckily, I think we have found a parts engine in Galveston, TX, so we remain hopeful we can salvage our otherwise trusty engine.

Anyway, Mona will stay put in the boatyard in Boston this winter. We're driving to Texas for the holidays, with a few stops in the midwest along the way. Spring should see us headed back up north, hopefully with the parts needed to get our engine going again.

We're tossing around the idea of a cruise next summer. It's called the Down East Circle loop, which would take us up the Hudson, over the Erie Canal to the St. Lawrence, then out and down the coast of Canada and Maine.

The allure of tropical paradise is always tugging at us, but a trip to Texas by land will have to suffice this winter.


  :) Great to hear from you, wOOdy, it has been quite a while since the last update.  Those big schooners are a thrill to sail on.  I helmed the Zodiac for two short times in September, total about 40 minutes, and although there were no significant heading changes, an unforgettable experience.  The wheel was 20 turns, lock to lock, and effortless to turn.  We had just enough wind to do 5 knots :).  We only had the mizzen and staysail up, as we were short handed, and the charter was only 3 hours  :(.  All the spars except the bowsprit had been replaced in the last 5 years, and were beautiful pieces of tree!  I would love to take a 5 day cruise on her some day.

I hope that you and Ralay had an enjoyable Thanksgiving, and the trip down to Texas finds friends and family in good health. 
Charlie will be glad to see the two of you, I am sure.  The two of you need to spend some time lazing on a sunny beach  8), without a chore in sight.



Great to here from you!....great pics too 😄
Sounds like an interesting and enjoyable job! I can imagine haul out time being a bit nuts!
That group adventure sounds like it waould be an amazing time. Good for you two!
Hope the parts engine works out well and have everything you need.
Enjoy Texas!
Hi to Raylay
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Bob J (ex-misfits)

Sounds like you guys had a great summer.
Sorry to hear about the engine....

The eastern loop, sounds like that would be a great trip.
I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!


We have committed to leaving 12/20.... should be in Abacos by 1/1/19.......hope to run into you.......my boat name is ADIOS.....


Make sure you anchor at Allan's-Pensacola (look for a sandy spot in the grass) and at Manjack. I'll be a little later getting there this year but hope to meet you.
Start a thread on your trVels (pictures too!) and I'll know where you are.
Have a safe crossing
Have fun!
Keep us (and me) posted.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Sitting in Loggerhead Marina @ 8ish miles North of Lake Worth........hope to cross Sunday..........yes Old folk move slow :)............emptied Walmart today provisioning more........laundry tomorrow......moving down to lake worth sat........might not leave til sixish Sun as I'm unfamiliar with the inlet and heard someone talking on vhf about dredging there.......


Good for you!
Lake worth is typically a very good entrance.
Have fun
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Sunday looked good for crossing  but turned marginal. I was thinking about it but will pass for a better weather. Being further south would make it a more comfortable trip for you. The gulf stream was pretty weak last few times we crossed .


Anchored with a million other boats in Lake Worth.....gonna poke my nose out in the morning.........




Sitting in Spanish Cay marina.....bound for Mankack today....pic is "Center of the world rock" on way to Spanish Cay


Sitting in Green Turtle......have I mentioned how poor the internet is here? No pics as I just got this Batelco phone and all pics are on my T-Mobile phone......


We took a golf cart ride to New Plymouth today.....beautiful pastel colored homes and gorgeous ocean views.......as we're riding down the road we passed a boatyard......saw a very pretty tan colored Compac 27 tied down on the hard😜.........took plenty of pics today but as I've said before the internet sucks here........