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Crazy snow back home!

Started by Frank, February 14, 2019, 05:57:39 AM

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It's been a crazy winter back home.
Yesterday they got another major dump of snow!

Back in Hopetown...
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


would rather be at anchor in the warm than in the snow. it is suppose to get to the upper 70's here in central Texas
s/v Wave Dancer
a 1979 27' Cherubini Hunter
Any sail boat regardless of size is a potential world cruiser, but a power boat is nothing more than a big expense at the next fuel dock

Bob J (ex-misfits)

Yea, first pictures don't look like any fun.
The 4th, that would work!
I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!


Late to this party, but -

Hopetown bettah. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Here in Texas, on the coast, we had a 34 degree morning!! Broke a record set 104 years ago.  ENOUGH!!
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Charlie, at least no snow with the low temperatures.  We set a record for rain last year that went back to 1902, I believe.

Phil, up in the Virginia mountains, is expecting snow tonight.

We plan to launch his ComPac 23 Pilot House in the Roan River/creek tomorrow, if he can get down his gravel 'road'.

Nor'easter passing through, so the mast raising and launch may get interesting, or delayed to Thursday, cutting our sailing short.  Last week would have been better, but who knew for sure.  If he gets down to paved roads, we are going.

Low forties forecast each night, but we can stand that.  We will just sail the direction that gives us the least wave action, either the Potomac or the bay.



Hope you get out Norman.
The pilot house is great if cooler.
Take along a good sleeping bag and you'll have fun.!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


There was some wind on the backside of that front. I hope our fellas got out, and yes, took pictures too. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Phil got out of his drive and community road system fine this morning, and is enroute to my house, ETA 11:45 Wednesday morning.  The wind at my house is light, the nor'easter has passed, and the weather is rapidly improving.  Some rain will visit us before we return Saturday, but this IS spring.

Much of the tough work was at Phil's, getting loaded, hitched, and down the mountain by himself.  Hoisting the mast and related work, with two of us should go well.



Look forward to a report.....and pictures 😄
Have fun!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Please Buy My Boats. ;)


No good news from the water front.

The boat lift was broken the day before we left, and they did not call Phil.  They did collect the slip rent without telling him, and we had the mast up before finding out that they were in the process of replacing the engine and pump.  There is a marina 12 miles away with an operating lift.

Today, raining, and when the repair man failed to show up to finish his work, we decided to call it quits, and come home.

More later, after the fatigue wears off.



Sorry lads...
That just don't seem right...
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Please Buy My Boats. ;)