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Finding leaks

Started by Jack Tar, December 21, 2005, 06:33:17 PM

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Jack Tar

If you have a deck or window leak that is driving you crazy try this. Find a piece of childrens side walk chalk and draw a chalk line under or around the inside of the hull. Once the leak runs across the chalk line it will indicate where the leak flow is.
It's not about the sails the boat or the rigging it's about  freedom


I tell you man!  This tip works great!

I won me a fine bottle of rum in a poker game once, but I dropped the bottle on me boat.

Them chalk lines helped me find the spilled rum in the bilge, funny thing I noticed when I slurped the rum up is how it tasted just like the grog CaptK keep giving me!

I need me one of them their hand operated blender!

Jack Tar

Was that Rum droped when you were winterizing ? LOL
It's not about the sails the boat or the rigging it's about  freedom