LED NAV and Anchor lights, Bebi and others discussion....

Started by s/v Faith, December 19, 2005, 10:33:13 PM

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0.1 amps X 12 hours winter anchor lighting = 1.2 amp-hours power usage per day. 

Recharging is somewhat inefficient, so double that and you can estimate that you want to put 2.4 amp-hours in the system per day.  Its really not that inefficient but just being conservative.

On average, in a northern location, a typical solar panel gets about 4 hours of its rated capacity per day, depending on the weather and season.

Panels used to recharge 12V systems run at about 18 Volts.

If a solar panel is rated at 10 Watts, it puts out 10 Watts / 18 Volts = 0.55 amps.

At an average 4 hours a day, the solar panel will produce 0.55 amps X 4 hours = 2.22 amp-hours per day.  This is close to the target of 2.4 amp-hours and would probably work.

The 5W panel would be marginal, probably not enough in a long stretch of cloudy weather.

Southern Lake Michigan


Anyone ever use this kind?

Hmmmm...just notice that link doesn't show the item.  It's called iMob 5.5 watts, 400 mA...$53.99   
boblamb     still..."Blest B'yond B'lief"

s/v Faith

Since I started this thread, I have come to like my Bebe OWL anchor light more and more.

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Hey Mates:
    I ordered and received my Bebi anchor light in a timely fashion.  I also ordered the 5w solar panel pictured in my previous post.   I've been testing them both for a couple weeks now.  Light comes on at sundown and goes off at sun up. Very bright on a dark night.  Solar panel keeps the battery up. Works like a charm.

Thanks for all the advice!
boblamb     still..."Blest B'yond B'lief"

s/v Faith

Quote from: boblamb on September 18, 2010, 07:45:55 AM
Hey Mates:
    I ordered and received my Bebi anchor light in a timely fashion.  I also ordered the 5w solar panel pictured in my previous post.   I've been testing them both for a couple weeks now.  Light comes on at sundown and goes off at sun up. Very bright on a dark night.  Solar panel keeps the battery up. Works like a charm.

Thanks for all the advice!

Outstanding Bob!

  Glad it is working out well for you!
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Mine came a week ago, and I won't get a chance to try it out until next week in Tomales Bay, but I am looking forward to wowing my neighbors  ;D

Bebi is a great outfit, and Michael if you read this, thanks again.
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward

Captain Smollett

We are going to all LED.  Back in the winter, we installed an LED white/red dome light in the galley and instantly noticed how much brighter it is than either of the 10 W incandescents in the cabin.

This week, our first two LED cabin lights arrived in the mail.  I hooked one up yesterday and cannot believe how bright it is; let's see, MUCH brighter and 1/10 the current draw - seems like a no brainer.  Here are the ones we got from Sailor's Solutions:

Got two for the main cabin; will be getting two for the fore cabin with the next batch of ordering.

Another project that we have going on required us to remove the deck-level navigation lights.  I was never happy with them anyway; the lowered headsails would block the red or green (or both), the outboard blocked part of the arc of the stern light and DANG those things got hot.  Another down side was the current draw for running THREE lights (no bicolor on the bow).

So, since we had them off anyway, we went ahead and got LED replacements.

For the bow, also from Sailor's Solutions:

And for the stern (from Defender):

Both bow bicolor and stern lights will now be mounted on the rail/pulpit to get them up off the deck and away from obstructions.

Next up will be to order the Bebe, though I think I will go with the one Charlie has that plugs in.

That only leaves the steaming light and masthead anchor light.   I want to replace the masthead anchor light either with a combo anchor/tricolor or just a tricolor; in either case, the mast mounted lights are lower on the priority list (the anchor light won't be used once the Bebe arrives and the steaming light is used with the engine so draw is not a problem...my outboard has a 5 amp charger).

Going all LED has GREATLY reduced our energy budget and relieves some of the logistical problems of storing lamp oil, etc.  Previously, I had been a fan of oil lamps (even for navigation lights), but LED's make the charging requirements WELL within the capability of even relatively small solar panels.

My plan is to get a 65 W solar panel, then maybe add a 20 W folding panel for "booster" charging when need down the road sometime. 
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain

s/v Faith


  I really like this one.  Would not mind one of these on Faith's bulkhead....

looking forward to the review.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Captain Smollett

Here's a shot of the cabin with both lit.  Left frame is the 10 W incandescent and right frame is the new LED cabin light.

The only thing bad about it is the price.   ;D

But hey, if it saves $$ in solar/wind/etc charging required, I'll gladly pay.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


 just wanted to get in touch with Michael Homsany, and ask about an idea I had.


Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

s/v Faith

Bought another Bebi light before this trip.  Been cruising for 6 months with the cockpit / anchor light combo.... White high visibility lights on the side and more mellow warm LEDs on the bottom.

Has a light sensor to come on at dusk, and a lighter plug.  Stays rigged in the cockpit all the time.

Outstanding light.... Just like the owl I bought way back when.

Great product!
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.