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12v Vacuum

Started by wolverine, April 15, 2022, 03:25:29 PM

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It may be awhile before we have electricity at our dock and the boat needs a good cleaning.  Has anyone used a 12 volt vacuum they could recommend?
Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion


This one is pretty surprisingly strong, with a long cable:
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Thanks Capt!  That's good to know considering that is the vacuum I ordered! I couldn't wait, and figured we'll need a 12v vac to keep aboard, so today I brought a generator and a120v shop vac to the dock and cleaned out the boat.  Still recovering from a knee replacement made lifting the 120lb genny in and out of the truck tough, but it was worth it.  Tomorrow I'll scrub all the pine pollen and winter dirt from her decks.
Our sailing clubs commissioning day and blessing of the fleet is Tuesday, so we need to be ready.
Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion