The Visit of Craig, AKA SV Faith

Started by CapnK, October 04, 2022, 08:13:11 PM

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What with our recent storm, I am only now getting a chance to tell y'all about the recent visit I had with a fellow sailFarer, Craig, or "Faith" as many here know him

Craig is a nice guy. He drove from all the way from Califunya to South Cackalacky just to fix the door on my van, and with parts he brought. What a great guy!

He got here kinda late at night because he stopped in Georgia on the way, I think to do some mission work.

Once he was here, though, we broke out my tattered, ancient Boy Scout Handbook and sang some old trail songs from in the back of the book. It was so much fun that after that, we followed up with a few classic hymns, pausing only to quench our thirst from time to time with cool, refreshing lemonade. It was getting late, 9:30 almost, so even though we were having so much fun, we decided to turn in early.

Up the next day at dawn, we did calisthenics followed by an hour of meditative yoga before a breakfast of granola and yogurt with chai tea. Love those surprise dried cherries Craig snuck into the granola!

Then we were off to do some work for the day, just the usual stuff - clothing the homeless, walking dogs at the shelter, helping children at school crosswalks, that sort of thing. Craig sang many a tune during the day, some of my favorites including "Puff the Magic Dragon", and "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing". He really has an angelic voice and loses himself in song. Sort of like a male Julie Andrews...

That night for sunset we sat cross-legged on the dock and pondered our auras, with Craig occasionally rubbing his Tibetan Singing Bowl. We did not need to eat, as we gathered energy from the sky around us, the harmonics of the bowl blending with the cry of Osprey and Gull as they wheeled by in flight. It all worked together harmoniously on the light southerly breezes, and was quite a thing to behold. Wrapping up our sunset session with another batch of cool, refreshing lemonade, we went our separate but bounded ways, I to my boat, he to his van, both just small parts of this bigger thing we call The Universe.

Craig had to leave the next day, but he stopped by the boats briefly in the morning before leaving. We discussed such esoterica as the nature of chemical vs mechanical bondings of epoxy, the size of boats and the relevant impact this has upon ones chakra, figured out the recipe for whirled peas (I think that's what he said, sometimes admittedly it is hard to follow just where his mind has gone), and why yellow is the color of the Q flag. All too soon he had to depart because he has forgotten what "cold" is and so is going up north, somewhere near where Frank lives, to remember.

It was a lot of fun, and a bit of a whirlwind, and I'm glad that he was able to stop by on his land-based North American Circumnavigation.

Wave him down if you see him driving by. Who knows, he might be able to help you fix *your* car...
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

s/v Faith

That is almost exactly how I remember it….


Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

s/v Faith

So good to catch up…. So much more to write, but I’ll wait to see what the fact checkers come up with first. 

  Thanks again Kurt, so glad you and the crew dog made
It through the storm. 
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Clearly discretion comes with age.  I am just glad none of us got the bail call.
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


I have been on a few tours with Kurt and can attest that although typically I’m saintly, those evenings were forgettable… literally! Too much rum and forgot what happened! 😂
No bail calls is a good thing while out with our fearless captain!
Hope you’re healing Craig 😂
God made small boats for younger boys and older men