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Bad Movie Haiku

Started by Captain Smollett, July 06, 2006, 10:48:52 AM

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Captain Smollett

Besides sailing, one of my passions is "bad movies."  I've been a movie buff most of my life, and I really like old classic horror and 50's era sci fi.  I've been a student of photography, as well as the evolution of the 'art' of motion picture special effects, particularly in that time period.

I offered that brief introduction to MY interests to introduce another site that I read regularly.  It is run by an active duty marine named Andrew and is called is THE place for cinematic commentary, particulary of the non A-List hollywood films.  There is an INCREDIBLE wealth of movie knowledge on that site among the forum participants.  Indeed, I doubt any other single movie site has the knowledge density of  Those guys know movies, period.  Andrew is now being asked to conduct interviews on radio shows and the like and his site gets over 300,000 visitors and 1,000,000 page views PER MONTH!

Recently, oh about a week or so ago, Andrew began posting haiku on the topic of movies he is watching for his reviews.  This has spawned haiku contributions from the other participants on the bbs.  Some of these are really, really funny.

My personal favorite so far:

Quote from: derf on
Leia is saved by
Luke, her brother. He's smitten.
Arkansas in space.

So, if you want a good laugh at some interesting "off the cuff" haiku, check the following forum links for some samples (there are others now interspersed in other threads, but you'll just have to search around for those ;) ):

Warriors of the Lost World Haiku
Star Trek Haiku
Star Wars Haiku
The Horror of Party Beach Haiku

And if you get a chance and want to laugh some more, read Andrew's reviews.  They are often more entertaining than the movies themselves.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain