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Neat Looking Boat

Started by wolverine, December 09, 2024, 03:42:19 PM

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To me it is, but I like "quirky" boats. England has yards filled with old quirky boats and I spent many hours walking them pondering the idea of buying one and shipping it home.  I passed a Fisher a few years back returning home from VA.  It had a beautiful lapstrake dingy hanging of it's stern.
Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion


I totally agree. So many unique small sailboats from England! Lots in the 17' to 22' range.
The Fisher is a wonderful design. I was aboard one on the west coast a few years ago and was surprised by the room.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


yes it is a very nice looking boat


I've heard they are built tough, and they do look like that may be so.
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