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Cruisers Helping Cruisers

Started by wolverine, November 15, 2024, 01:40:43 PM

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Living on the ICW, I meet a lot of cruisers heading south this time of year.  Come spring, they're back heading north.  Several times I've invited sailors I've just met over for dinner and to use our laundry and showers.  We could easily use this site as a way to get in touch with other members, offering them assistance, or just a meet up.  Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?
Compac 19/II
Seidelman 295 - FOR SALE
Pacific Seacraft Orion


If failing memory serves me right, we did a directory years ago...
Folks have changes so I good idea.
Maybe others along the ICW could chime in.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Good idea, dunno why I didn't think of it as does this (they call it "Tent Space"), and I've hosted a dozen or so folks from all walks of life and even other countries over the years. Some more than once.

I'll set a Category up for it here. What should we call it - The "Free Dock"? "Borrow-a-cleat"? :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)