Introductions / How did you find

Started by CapnK, December 18, 2005, 11:18:11 PM

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Ditto what Joe P said, and Welcome aboard to the both of you! I bet CJ and L are glad to see another Meridian! :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


I am a new person to this conflabulation of small boat sailors. As you can see, my username is Grampian. Since that is also a sailboat manufacturers name, I need to clarify something.

The username in my case it is not referring to a sailboat manufacturer. My wife and I have a new Scottie puppy and since he needed a name and we had already used "Amos", "Robbie", and "Mac Scottie" we wanted something different. She was looking at a map of Scotland one day and found the Grampian mountain range therein. She thought that would be nice and unique so we hung that on him. He goes by Gramps some of the time. Most of the time he just goes.

Anyway, Gramps, Pam and I will be here seeing what we can learn - and from what I've seen so far that will be a lot. We don't sail yet but are getting down to single digit years before retirement and are going to become sailboat people when retirement comes along. This site is exactly the kind of resource I want to have when decision time comes.


Well, Welcome aboard, Grampians! ;)

IMNSHO, you picked the right website for your plans, too. :D Not 2 weeks ago, I helped a "newbie" couple leave the marina, and they demonstrated all the perils of getting 'too big a boat, too soon'...

They have a 36' heavy wooden boat, and, in 2 years of ownership, probably less than 3 months of actual time spent piloting her. Long story short, they couldn't leave the marina until they'd paid the $500+ tab to SeaTow that they'd rung up that morning just trying to get out of their slip.  :o :o :o

As you can imagine, there is a _lot more_ to the story, and I imagine that as a couple they would get along a lot better when onboard if they had a smaller boat...  ::)

Smaller and simpler _is_ better, especially when you are starting out.*

Glad to have y'all here, hope that you will find what you need... :)

(*And, of course, even later, I believe. :D )
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

s/v Faith

Ahoy Grampian!

  Welcome aboard.....

The Grampian is a good boat, a friend of mine has a 26' Grampian that he and his wife live aboard right now.

  Maybe when you are looking at boats, you could check one out... make it easy to remember the name, and as a bonus the dog will be flattered that you named the boat after him.  ;D
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Ol' Coot

Hi folks,

My name is Kevin and I'm a recovering racer.

I've been lurking for a while, here and at trailersailor dot com, looking over the population.  My boat isn't exactly a fit (33 ft light displacement racer) but I think it has more in common with many here than with those at the normal cruising sites.  Reason?  Simple layout, limited interior volume, minimal creature comforts.  I don't have refrigeration, air conditioning, plasma tv, pressure hot water, diesel genset, etc.  Just a simple interior that I'd like to make more functional for week ends and short coastal hops.

I've seen many great discussions here, and look forward to seeing your well thought-out opinions.  Who knows?  I might even have something worthwile to add.
"...somewhere in the swamps of Jersey"  - B.S. 1973


Welcome Kevin...

:D  In many ways, your boat may be more similar to the boats here than the larger cruising boats... Simplicity is a virtue...
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more

s/v Faith

QuoteHi folks,

My name is Kevin and I'm a recovering racer.

  Welcome Kevin.

I think there are a few here who are 'downsizing' or maybe to borrow a phrase "right sizing".   ;D

Glad to have you aboard, look forward to hear hearing more from you.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Quote from: Ol' Coot on December 06, 2006, 02:23:26 PM
Hi folks,
My name is Kevin and I'm a recovering racer.
I don't have ... plasma tv...

WHAT??? Geez, man, how do you survive??? ;) :D

What kind of boat is she? Sounds small and minimalistic like most of us, the 30' thing is not a rule. :) I agree, you sound like a good fit, so -

Welcome Aboard! :D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Hello everyone!

My name id Bob Wessel.

Prelude, a Columbia Challenger 24 resides at Owl Harbor Marina in the California Delta.

I "discovered" SailFar through a link in a thread on TSBB.  This is a great resource - wish I had found it sooner!

I've been sailing - off and on - since my days as a cadet at the US Coast Guard Academy in the late '60s. 

I haven't done a lot of cruising, but like others here, I have plans... one day... 

Other than exploring the Delta, I do cruise down the river to SF Bay each January for the Three Bridge Fiasco.  Yes, that is a racing event, put on by the Singlehanded Sailing Society, but it is much more than "just a race" - it's an adventure!

I intend to take advantage of the collective knowledge here on SailFar, and will share my own adventures, thoughts, and ideas here - if that's all right with everyone!  :)


Edit by Captain Smollet: fixed italic tag
Bob Wessel
Fenwick, MI
Building Gardens of Fenwick, a Welsford Pathfinder
Karen Ann, a Storer Goat Island Skiff


What flavor 33 footer?  Is it an old IOR 3/4 tonner?

I have spent some time on an old C&C 33 built in the late 70s.  Darn nice boat and smaller than the modern 30 footers.  As an aside... I still race and find that racing improves the quality of my cruising and the set up of cruising boats.

What modifications are you undertaking?

Boston, MA
USA 264


Howdy my friend. Welcome to Sailfar Bob. I think you'll fit right in. there are several more TSBB'rs who hang out here also, like Dougcan and Rik S before Sandy had her problems. And Laura and I. So you'll know some of the people.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Thanks, Charlie for the welcome.  There is an awful lot of material here!  I can see it will take me a while to explore the forums, digest the contents, and figure out where to begin asking questions.   :)

As always, I enjoy your posts.

Bob Wessel
Fenwick, MI
Building Gardens of Fenwick, a Welsford Pathfinder
Karen Ann, a Storer Goat Island Skiff

s/v Faith

Welcome aboard Bob,

  I am from your neck of the woods, my dad still lives in Corte Madera.  Look forward to hearing from you, and especially look forward to any pictures you might want to share of your adventures in the gallery. 

  Welcome!   ;D
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Thank you, s/v Faith, for the welcome!  Glad to be here.  I enjoy pictures and I'll post some once I've explored enough to find out how.  I use photobucket to store/host my pics.  I just need to learn how to post them here.

Thanks again!  :)
Bob Wessel
Fenwick, MI
Building Gardens of Fenwick, a Welsford Pathfinder
Karen Ann, a Storer Goat Island Skiff


Hey there, Bob! ;D Glad to have you here! Looking forward to reading more of your tales, I've always enjoyed them.

How about some Grog for your welcome? :D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Hello all,
      My first post here, I see some familiar avatars out there! Saw this site on cruisers forum courtesy of S/V Faith. I'm currently living aboard a 36' sloop ... but that arrangement is disappearing out from under my feet. I have found online a 28' Cape Dory here in town that looks absolutely great will be trying my best to buy it A.S.A.P. ...... then plan to take the little bugger as far as Venezuela .... guess that would qualfy me for this site!

Captain Smollett

Quote from: wahoosails on December 13, 2006, 07:53:44 PM
a 28' Cape Dory ... plan to take the little bugger as far as Venezuela .... guess that would qualfy me for this site!

Absolutely.  Welcome aboard, Bob, and good luck getting that CD.  You'll find Alberg's boats are quite popular here.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more

s/v Faith

Quote from: wahoosails on December 13, 2006, 07:53:44 PM
Hello all,
      My first post here..... I have found online a 28' Cape Dory here in town that looks absolutely great will be trying my best to buy it A.S.A.P. ...... then plan to take the little bugger as far as Venezuela .... guess that would qualfy me for this site!

  Heck yes!  I looked at a CD 28 when Rose and I were looking at slightly bigger boats last year.  I really like them, Carl sure did not know how to make  an ugly boat.
I liked the way they made the cockpit a little shorter, eliminated the lazy-rat, and added all the gained volume to the cabin.  Very nice layout, and I would not hesitate to take it anywhere.

  Welcome aboard Bob, glad to have you.

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Welcome.Send pics if the deal goes thru for ya....Certainly sounds like "small boat..long distance"..keep us posted.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men