Introductions / How did you find

Started by CapnK, December 18, 2005, 11:18:11 PM

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Welcome Lawrence, I think you will find this a very useful and friendly place. Have a first grog on me for posting pics right away, :)

"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward

s/v Faith

Welcome Aboard!

 Cool pictures, sounds like a good arrangement.  I understand mooring can be quite expensive in that neck of the woods.  
QuoteI've gotten a lot of good tips for fixing up the boat since I've been reading the forum. So I must thank you all in advance.
Glad decided to join, look forward to hearing more from you.  
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Welcome aboard, I think you will find this group a good lot with a lot of info to share. I also have a 27  ft Hunter 79 model, I ve have the boat for several years and am still up grading and cleaning things up as i find time. Lot of people think that a hunter is not much of a boat but any sail boat is a potential world cruiser and a power boat is nothing more that a big payment at the next fuel dock Cheers Danny
s/v Wave Dancer
a 1979 27' Cherubini Hunter
Any sail boat regardless of size is a potential world cruiser, but a power boat is nothing more than a big expense at the next fuel dock


Welcome aboard hope the site helps you. What did you have to do to get the engine more reliable? Tell your friend we all enjoyed the pics The salute was on time.
Flo / Marty, Got Milk and Shark Bait Tartan 37 #369


Welcome aboard, Lawrence.
Nice photos--it looks like you had better weather in the NY Harbor area than we had in Boston.
I spent yesterday crewing with a friend in the Boston Harbor Islands Regatta, and my clothes and gear are still drying out. I didn't dare take a camera out in the fog and pouring rain.
"What a greate matter it is to saile a shyppe or goe to sea"
--Capt. John Smith, 1627


Salt Run is my stomping grounds.  :-)  Tons of fun in a Sunfish or the camp Optis.  I'll only be here for another week!!! this year, but it's my home base, so I'll be back!  :-)   I teach summer camps and womens classes for the local sailing club, (and officially for the local ASA school) so I 'have' to be back for summer camps next year, even if I take the winter off to go freeze.  It's good to know that the town and our waters make a lasting impression!  Though it may be a shocked one the next time you visit.  They're talking of regulating anchoring within the city limits by putting in mooring fields.  (They call it progress, is it happening everywhere?) so Salt Run may be filled with almost 100 mooring bouys the next time you see us.  They want to put in another 100 downtown on either side of the Bridge of Lions too.  Sigh.  What's sad is that I'm happy about that, as they're down from almost 300 originally proposed moorings. 

So how does one deal with loving one's town and yet want to leave it like a burning building?  One buys a boat and sails away!  I think the CD's are beefy enough to take the beating I'd like to  subject a boat to, and the 22 is the smallest of that crew that I'd be willing to live aboard.  (Unless someone wants to give me a Flicka  ;)  I'd bend my brand love for a Flicka.)  Small is my second biggest criteria, behind seaworthiness, as I want to be able to do everything I need to do myself.  It burns me to the bone to pay someone else to do something easy like paint, so I want to be able to do everything and still have time to enjoy the fact that I have a boat.  Smaller = less mandatory maintenance time.  And once all that maintenance is 'done' (read: the 10 minutes between projects) I want a boat that can go anywhere.  As I'd like to.  No specific dreams, other than 'everywhere'  ;) 

I've been scrounging through all the topics here, it's amazing how much you have all accumulated, so kudos to everyone on this board and I'll definitely be taking advantage of your heads from time to time, so thanks in advance.



Nice one Lawrence - I'm hopping between Brooklyn and Greenport Long Island - If you're in the vicinity and have time, might be nice to meetup!?


Sailorflo, we had the engine lifted out and the mechanic replaced the governor, which seems to have had some effect. Now it'll start after about 5 turns of the key rather than deciding to take entire days off at a time. But the boat is in rough shape all around, with a leaky joint where the deck meets the hull on the starboard side, which makes sitting on the starboard settee...interesting during rainy weather. The boat was essentially abandoned by the former owner, which was why the yard owner was happy that we would put her back in the water. She was sitting in a yard in City Island that doesn't see too much visiting traffic, so offering us free mooring wasn't too big of a deal for the yard owner.

Nonetheless the boat has been a lot of fun the past two seasons and we have some more in store for it this season. If all goes well tomorrow, we should be taking her from Hoboken down to Sandy Hook, NJ tomorrow to do a little exploring. I'll be a little sad to see her go, but we are looking at some other boats as this season comes to an end. I've introduced my family to some smaller Southern Cross models, which they've found pretty nice. I just don't want to pump so much money into this boat because it won't be able to meet my long-term demands because it has deteriorated with too many years of neglect before we got her. I'm looking for something a little more stable, with a mast going through the cabin, and hopefully less leaks.

Anyway, if you all like pictures, here she is heading towards the Verrazano-Narrows bridge a few days ago.


Sounds like you learned alot on that boat, I started on a cal 25 and had big dreams for that boat ,But as time went on I realized that it just would not do as I wanted, She was a fast boat and very sea worthy for a cal 25, But like you it was just not what I was looking for. Ive bought three boats on ebay since, Now since the passing on and generosity of Richard I have the boat of my dreams 37 ft Tartan ,But with that came alot of responsibility                                                                                 (Never thought that I would say this but here it goes) Lots of work just to leave the dock Everything is bigger harder to handle Sails suck when you have to strip them for bad weather then there is the dodger the bimini, and everyother thing that goes with that, Just the engine and generator oil changes are a major job, It takes a whole day just for them two Job's Not to mention the fuel filters bilgepumps shower drain plugging leeks in the portholes and the constant oiling of the interior wood.I could go on there are lots of things . I have to envy the small boaters I'm sure it is not just jump in them and go.But I have owned a couple of 25 fters and sailed themat the drop of a hat, Good luck to you.  And a southern Cross is a fine boat, But don't think that there wont be work to be done. Just enjoy it!!!!!
Flo / Marty, Got Milk and Shark Bait Tartan 37 #369


Welcome aboard to all of our new members! I've been serving up the grog. ;D

Amy - Sounds like you have a sailFar attitude already. :) Re: the ASA school in St. Auggie - you know Capt Rick, ex-Sea Tow guy there? He's a good friend of mine from a long ways back. Sold his Morgan OI41 a few months ago, and bought a 25'er (a Bristol, IIRC) he's fixing up in his yard. He might be doing the Scoot with it. I'll be coming down there I think the week after next to visit him (and, of course, the Sailors Exchange...). ;)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Welcome aboard, and Grog to ya, Lawrence! ;D Sounds like the boat + mooring was a really good deal. And you and Danny/jotruk have each other for mutual support/feedback on boat stuff, too, so that's a good thing, too!

I think that nasty weather you and Joe had was here 3 days ago - yuk. First taste of winter, and I didn't like it one bit!  >:(
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


All the boat work in the world is more satisfying than mowing grass, pulling weeds, planting flowers and veggie gardens...etc....etc.....It just feels good to work on your boat!!!! i FORGOT ONE OF THE WORST
...SHOVELING SNOW.....No my snowblower don't help the feeling......TJ

Pappy Jack

Ahoy Lawrence,

This is my MOST favorite web site in the whole wide world ::) and I'm sure you will get a lode of help and info from it...TJim, you said mouth full there. I live in a condo and I still have to shovel snow. Some how that just doesn't seem fair, does it :'(?

Fair winds and full sails,

Pappy Jack


Rick is awesome!  I did a couple of the instructor clinics with him, and been sailing once or twice on ASA boats, we had a great time.  Tell him hello/good bye for me when you visit, as I doubt I'll see him before I leave town. (Monday!!  So soon!)  It's amazing how small the sailing community is! 

And in regards to Sailors Exchange.... how does the rest of the world survive without it being a mile down the road?    Even Sailorman isn't so convenient to the water.  I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't walk into Sailors whenever I wanted!   ;)  Will you be checking a second bag on your flight back?  :-) 


Quote from: xirii on September 30, 2008, 12:57:53 PM
Will you be checking a second bag on your flight back?  :-) 

Crossing my fingers that I'll have a stern rail tied to the roof of my car when I go back up I-95... ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Cmdr Pete

Hey Lawrence

I'm out on the Island near Babylon, if you want crew or a ride on my boat. You too Nick!

Keep a lookout for a little boat with a red sail in the Harbor this weekend



1965 Pearson Commander "Grace"

Melonseed Skiff "Molly"


this place sure is great I have only replied a few times but i'm in here alot just reading and learning. I to would like to thank everyone here for some of the great post. Thanks



Hi all ,
       I'm matt im from Brisbane Australia im 25 , an apprentice  boiler maker . and extremly interested in getting back on the water . I had a 12ft cat a year or 2 back and was hooked on sailing then but due to other hobbies and circumstances could never seem to afford a decent small yacht , although my fasination with sailing has been with me for as long as i can remember .
       I'm currently paying off a few debts  :( , so early next year some time i will be in the market for a trailerable yacht . my sailing experiences to date are relativly limited but i have family freind with extensive experiencewho has offered to come with me to find the right yacht . and once i purchase one he has also offered to teach me the ropes  :) .

I found this website whilst cruising the web for small boat information and stories , This is one of the better sites i have found and the only one i have felt the inclination to join .


G'day, Matt! Welcome aboard, and here's a 'Grog' for you to start off with. :)

You'll have fun here! Sounds like you have a Plan, which is the first step. You'll be sharing boat stories before too much time goes by, I'm sure. :)

Seems like one of the very-small boat circumnavigators was a boiler maker from Oz. Can't recall the name, but he made his own small steel boat, and sailed on around... I read his story from a link someone posted here, somewhere. Maybe someone else will recall it.
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


The world can always use another sailor. welcome aboard Matt some day |I hope to go to Austrialia |But funds dont allow it at this time. There is lots of information here for you to learn from and if you dont see just ask. everyone here is very helpful.
Flo / Marty, Got Milk and Shark Bait Tartan 37 #369