Introductions / How did you find

Started by CapnK, December 18, 2005, 11:18:11 PM

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Bill W

Newly registered, have lurked & learned here for several years. We sail a Montgomery 17 on the Great Lakes and trailer to other inland lakes occasionally. Homeport is 50 Point Marina (dry sail yard) on the SW Canadian shore of Lake Ontario. So cruises for us are along that shore from Niagara on the Lake to Hamilton, or across to the North Shore of Lake O. We have had 5 boats now, all under 18 feet. I guess we like the aspect of trailering to new waters. A SailFar for us would be 25 nm across the lake to Toronto, launching at Britt Ontario, and working our way up the east side of Georgian Bay and then west to Killarney, or going out to the tip of Long Point on Lake Erie
Makin' Time
Montgomery 17


Howdy Bill- welcome aboard. You'll enjoy it here.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Welcome Bill, Interesting that all of your boats have been under 18 feet. My interest in trailer-sailing has been increasing. Sometime I would like to do the Erie Canal - Lake Ontario - St Lawrence - Lake Champlain - Hudson River - Loop. Will be interested to ready any blogs of your cruises and to learn more about your area.


It was so long ago that I can't remember. I've been a lurker here for years but just joined because... I bought a boat!

She's a 1972 Kenner Kittiwake 23 footer. A Carl Alberg inspired design and we all know how beautiful those are. I'll be sailing her in the Daytona Beach, FL area staying in the river mostly until I get some experience. Before this my only sailing experience was a 14 foot Hobie cat in high school and 28 days on the USS Nassau (I was just cargo).

The site matches my philosophy of "living small" and I've already learned a ton and been entertained by your exploits. So, I've got the "small boat" thing, now I have to work my way up to the "long distance".

There is no unhappiness like the misery of sighting land (and work) again after a cheerful, careless voyage - Mark Twain



My name is Ian and I'm an idiot! ::)
I have always sailed OPBs but went for it at the beginning of June when I found a boat wrecker with lots of good old boats. I fell in love with a used Grampian 7.9 which I bought for very little and plan to refit for cruising. So far I'm wrestling with a worn out wooden cradle and am reluctant to climb on her until I can effect repairs.

The boat was named "Dawn Treader" and shall remain so as though I am not particularly superstitious, I have to answer to three daughters and a wife who were raised on C.S. Lewis.

When I have usable photos I shall post them.




Welcome aboard. I believe you will find a lot of knowledge here and a lot of people willing to pass on what they know, so don't be afraid of asking questions
s/v Wave Dancer
a 1979 27' Cherubini Hunter
Any sail boat regardless of size is a potential world cruiser, but a power boat is nothing more than a big expense at the next fuel dock



I was delighted to find Sailfar.

It was my intention to use the expertise available here from like minded people who like small boats.


s/v Faith

Welcome Ian,

  Where do you (and Dawn Treader) hail from?

Welcome aboard.  :)
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


I have been a long-time lurker, like many... sailed chesapeake and potomac in late 60's and early 70's and later some lake michigan while in college... after relocating to north cackalacky, I owned a venture 21, catalina 22 &25, santana 22 primarily lake sailing... after children, their interests were weekend organized sports, and sailing took a back seat... no longer the case, I am shopping eastern NC and have looked at so far several IP27s, compac27s, cape dory 27s, 26, and 25, c&c 29, but as yet have not pulled the trigger... this website is a wealth of knowledge, and, I look forward to adding some of my limited minutiae in the future, cheers, -jim


Quote from: s/v Faith on July 02, 2012, 09:50:35 AM
Welcome Ian,

  Where do you (and Dawn Treader) hail from?

Welcome aboard.  :)

I am a born and bred Ontarian. I live just south of Lake Simcoe on the Trent Canal system. The boat used to race (it is said) near Collingwood on Georgian Bay. She is more recently spared from the crusher which is quite close by.
As it was, I have to re-attach her ballast keel as it was awaiting being melted down.

There is lots to do before launch next year (maybe).





     Short of the story is that I'm an un-reformed saxophonist that got hooked on the open water thing while playing cruise line gigs. I'm currently landlocked north of Dallas. Barring a strange twist of fate I will be remedying said forlornness April-ish. Hopefully with either an Ariel or Bristol 24. But as long as I can keep the rig up and the water out I'm not so worried about what I wind up with.

     I'm a Strange critter in this day and age. I drink coffee black, and bourbon straight. I do math with a slide rule, and really like real books. I can be crusty, but I try not to be mean.
If I knew what I was doing, where would the fun be?

Captain Smollett

Quote from: Headcase on July 03, 2012, 04:31:29 AM


     I'm a Strange critter in this day and age.

I think you will fit in here just fine. ;)

Welcome aboard!
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


Howdy folks, I'm Tom an aussie living (for the moment) in UK but very soon taking off on my 31' very traditional Dutch built (in the late 70s) steel cutter down through the French canals and onto South America and beyond...after many years of constant planning and failing to actually do it I'm moving onbard this coming weekend, giving up my job next week and taking off the following :)


Welcome aboard Tom, I hope you can get a chance to post more about your boat and your adventure along the way.
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


Quote from: tomski on July 04, 2012, 07:03:40 AM
...down through the French canals and onto South America and beyond...after many years of constant planning and failing to actually do it I'm moving onbard this coming weekend, giving up my job next week and taking off the following :)

Welcome aboard, you're a few years ahead of me but It's also my plan to cruise the canals of Europe for a few years.

I hope you'll keep us posted or keep a blog, etc. I'd love to hear your experiences.

There is no unhappiness like the misery of sighting land (and work) again after a cheerful, careless voyage - Mark Twain



This is Claire from NYC. Me & my husband recently started to learn sailing under guidance of Offshore Sailing School. We have also created Blog The Sun Over the Yardarm to share our experience about sailing.

I was surfing around the internet for more sailing blogs & forum & landed here. I am  greatly enjoying this Forum!

We recently sailed in BVI & now going to Florida!!! :)
The Sun Over the Yardarm


I've been sailing since jmwoodring talked me onto a rotten, old Dickerson ketch 4 years ago.  We lived on her for a year in the Chesapeake and in Wilmington, NC.  He next owned a 25' Aleutka that we cruised to the Florida Keys from TX two winters ago.  We bought a flush deck Westsail 32, Mona, in May and just finished sailing her back to Texas from Ft. Lauderdale.  She has most of the qualities we found lacking in the last two (not so wooden, not so gasoline-powered, standing headroom, a double berth), so hopefully we are done doing the boat shopping dance and can start getting ready to fix up Mona for more extensive cruising. 

I found this forum through my boyfriend, jmwoodring.  May my stupid questions not reflect poorly on him...  :P



Welcome aboard Rachel. Maybe this time we can all meet each other. We sure missed last time you guys were around.

Going on a short cruise along with David and Lisa (GrimE) tomorrow, down to Port O'Conner.

Don't be too hard on him-I did the same thing, on a customers boat I had just painted ::)
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Welcome Rachel. Have enjoyed your great blog.  :)

Welcome also to you Claire, Tom, Jim & Ian.