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CapnK and "Katie Marie"

Started by CapnK, December 18, 2005, 06:35:10 PM

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Just a tiny bit bold - after all, R L Graham completely sealed his over and turned it into a bunk on the first Dove, referring to it as "the cave", using it as his seaberth.  :)
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A visualization by way of explanation :)
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I think it is a great plan.   8)
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


I was just looking at the photo below of the section of excess cockpit on the dock, and thinking...ah so that's how you eliminate those pesky thru-hulls... You've connected the cockpit scuppers to each other with a single piece of hose!  :D


Fillin in the hole has commenced...
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


I always found the hardest part to a project is stating. Cutting that big hole sure as heck got ya started!!!!   Have fun...keep the progress pics coming!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

s/v Faith

I thought you might use the original forward bulkhead and just add to it.  Where will the new cockpit drAins go?

Is there  n opening port going in the frwRd bulkhead?

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Draining out the back now. Going to add some sole, 2-3" up front, slanted back to 2x 2" drains straight out/back into motor well area. The board you see glassed in there now is 4" high.

Thinkin' and figgerin' on the port in rear bulkhead... It's nice to have that by the berth below, but if I do I will wanna make sure it tightens up real good against water flooding into the cabin.  :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Because of work going longer than expected, planned, hoped, and wanted  ::), I missed Mario and his lovely mate today when they stopped in Gtown. :( I did get done with enough daylight to get the new cockpit sole sub-floor rough-cut out. 3x pieces of .75" EPS foam. Going to insert the pieces into the footwell and glue them together to form one large block, then remove it and shape it in the same manner that I used to do with surfboards in order to create a final shape with slope and drainage towards the rear (where the tiller base cutout is located). Then it goes back into the footwell to get glassed in place.

This is perhaps the most exciting photo to have ever been posted in a boat forum...


On Edit - the next day:

I've been thinking on this modification for some time - years, in fact. Almost since seeing the results of the first rainfall onboard I have wanted to move the cockpit scuppers and drainage so it went aft, instead of forward as originally designed. So after years of tumbling about in me brain, and finally being at the point where thought is being realized as action, last night I had a bit of an epiphany after at last putting the raw materials I am working with in place.

I have always known that I would need to raise the forward end of the footwell to enable efficient drainage; there is a very slight but definite forward slope to the cockpit sole. So even until last night, despite thinking of probably hundreds of possibilities to accomplish the end goal, I had always envisioned it as a process of 1) building the sole up, and then 2) shaping it back down to achieve the desired result.

Last nights epiphany was how to achieve both goals in just one (more or less) step: shape the end result in from the beginning, by layering the foam differentially, thus allowing the last layer to define the end result, and this result being a drain solution which funneled the last dribs of water not to the edges of the sole, but to the middle, and thence aft.

So the end result will be 'low spots' shaped not so that they resemble what I have seen in almost every boat and been envisioning, a pattern that resembles a football goal post (down both edges, then over to center), but instead a Y pattern drainage, both forward corners and the edges draining at an angle aft and down to the center. Eureka. :)

...some time later...

Idea roughly implemented. Bring on the rain, let's see how she works. :)
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