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6 Pack info

Started by s/v Faith, August 14, 2006, 04:27:15 PM

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Hey! CONGRATS, Craig!!!  8) ;D Awesome!
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Captain Smollett

Congrats, Craig.  Good Job.   :) :)
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain

Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


I just returned from an ASA sailing, instructor clinic.
Having pass I am now a certified ASA Basic keel Boat Instructor. 8)

The Instructor Evaluator, who holds Master lic with USCG spoke on two things about the 6 pack.

1. There is a new classification called something like a Yacht tender class which is basicly a limited 6 pack lic. from the USCG.
2. The ASA is working with the CG to establish that those you have gone through the teaching clinic with ASA are cleared, as in can by pass the written part of the exam for this limited 6-pack.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

s/v Faith


  Outstanding Zen!

I looked at that course a year or so ago, but they did not get enough folks to hold it.  I have the basisc, and keelboat asa courses, and was impressed with the content and delivery.

  How did you find the instructor course to be?
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Quote from: AdriftAtSea on November 06, 2006, 05:02:16 AM
Congrats Zen... Do you have plans to teach anywhere in particular???

grog to ya btw.

I had spoke with the people who run classes for the City of Oakland Parks & Rec. Dept where I took my frist student level classes about working for them. My first teacher who works in the office said they generally need help during the busy season. So I am planning on putting inan aplication with them. They have a fairly popular class. Also the ASA has a placement site with lots of ads for schools looking for help. I need to teach a min of 24 hr a year to stay current. I do not think that will be a problem.
I am also planning to run "Zendo Sailing" my own enterprise on a small level...

I have a position as an independant contractor with a certified school in Japan waiting, once I get there.
I'm laying the ground work for future events.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Quote from: s/v Faith on November 06, 2006, 08:44:51 AM

  Outstanding Zen!

I looked at that course a year or so ago, but they did not get enough folks to hold it.  I have the basisc, and keelboat asa courses, and was impressed with the content and delivery.

  How did you find the instructor course to be?


I as well as the others found the course to be challaging. Even folks there with lots of boat time thought so. Having your six-pack will help with the written test because many of the question are what would be on that test. Some of the wording on the ASA stuff is kind of weird. Over all everyone agreed including those with USCG Masters it is a good course. Even if you have the text book stuff down there are still other factors involved with being an instructor. Lecture, water skill, command, lesson prep, etc. It was a Looong weeekend. 4-9pm on friday, 8:30 am to 10:00pm on Sat, 8;30am to 7:00pm on Sunday.
I have put some of the story on my blog.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Congrats, Zen! It's apropros that you got an Instructors ticket, I can tell you enjoy the process of teaching. You are doing it at a much higher level than I ever have. Teaching might be a good thread on it's own... It gives you good stories. :)

I used to teach a form of "Basic Catamaran Sailing" years ago, on some very basic catamarans ("Aqua Cat 12s" think 'two hulls with a Sunfish rig'). The textbook was made of sand, and the teachers writing instrument was something vaguely pencil-shaped picked up from the beach. After about 25 minutes of 'book larnin' I had you on the water. I stayed with you out there for about that same amount of time, and then turned you loose, alone upon the wide Atlantic, up to your own devices for the next 2 hours.

50% or so of my 'graduates' made it back to the beach in more-or-less the same place they'd left it.

The rest - well, we just made sure that they'd paid upfront. ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Quote from: Zen on November 06, 2006, 10:36:06 AM
Quote from: s/v Faith on November 06, 2006, 08:44:51 AM

  Outstanding Zen!

I looked at that course a year or so ago, but they did not get enough folks to hold it.  I have the basisc, and keelboat asa courses, and was impressed with the content and delivery.

  How did you find the instructor course to be?


I as well as the others found the course to be challaging. Even folks there with lots of boat time thought so. Having your six-pack will help with the written test because many of the question are what would be on that test. Some of the wording on the ASA stuff is kind of weird. Over all everyone agreed including those with USCG Masters it is a good course. Even if you have the text book stuff down there are still other factors involved with being an instructor. Lecture, water skill, command, lesson prep, etc. It was a Looong weeekend. 4-9pm on friday, 8:30 am to 10:00pm on Sat, 8;30am to 7:00pm on Sunday.
I have put some of the story on my blog.

and just edited  ;)
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Quote from: Zen on November 06, 2006, 10:19:15 AMThanks
I had spoke with the people who run classes for the City of Oakland Parks & Rec. Dept where I took my frist student level classes about working for them. My first teacher who works in the office said they generally need help during the busy season. So I am planning on putting inan aplication with them. They have a fairly popular class. Also the ASA has a placement site with lots of ads for schools looking for help. I need to teach a min of 24 hr a year to stay current. I do not think that will be a problem.
I am also planning to run "Zendo Sailing" my own enterprise on a small level...

I have a position as an independant contractor with a certified school in Japan waiting, once I get there.
I'm laying the ground work for future events.

Just be careful about teaching on your boat, since doing any "paid" work on the boat might violate your insurance, which would be bad if your student screws up.  ;)
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


A good source for literature on the Coast Guard exams is Marine Education Textbooks.  They are located at 124 North Van Ave., Houma, LA 70360.  Their tel no. is 504 879 3866

I have not had call to use them in quite some time, but they were the source for Cornell Maritime Press study guides for ocean licenses.  The study guides are a compilation of question, answers, and navigation problems from past USCG exams and are euphemistically known as the "pony".  Sometimes in a Coast Guard exam the pony "hits".  Hits are described in percentages with a 100% hit equalling euphoria.


"4 to 6 weeks, do you want to pick it up or mail it? he repeated after she told him what to say. I thought briefly, I hope to be working , but replied, I'll pick it up. "If you do not hear from us, call she said". Marming salamat I replied, then se-gay. They smiled as I headed for the door.

What does this Tagalo and this picture (on my blog)  have to do with sailing... well, let's backup wrrrrrrrrrrrr bilb bilb chip.

This has been a long process. Months in fact, research, copies, letters, talking, calls so...For the last few weeks I have really been focusing on wrapping up the paperwork I needed. After a couple of set backs from various doctors. The latest of which after standing me up for a drug test, says when I'm leaving, It should be in on Monday. I'll call you...

Monday, I wait, nothing, comes and goes...Lady Z says, no one here follows through on what they say, it would never happen in Japan, you should call. I think, hmmm, I'll wait a bit more, maybe it was delayed... :'(

Tues, half way through I call. hello, Doc, what about my test??? Oh, yes Mr Zen I have it ready for you, shall I mail it? Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.  >:( I told him I would pick it up on Monday so I can go direct to the Office!! No I say calmly, no sense losing it , what is done is done. Let it go....Ommm

I tell lady Z about it later that evening. Now having though about it more, I'm not pleased, and kvetch about it. She says the only that surprises me, is your reaction. I told you they do not care, why are you surprised??!! And I hear about the sad state of customer service in the states even from doctors. Hrmp, I say, ommmm ommmm ommmm. Ok it's done.  :(

Now it is down to filling out the final papers, the sea time forms. I dig through files find s/v Kuan Yin's old paperwork, plus s/v Zen, do some calculations and fill in the blanks.

So Weds morning, I give everything the once over, and make some copies just in case and head off to pickup my golden rain test... Done.  :)

Next stop the United States Coast Guard Regional Testing center in Oakland inside the Federal Building... finally wah hooo!! I was a bit concerned about the timing... wonder if they break for lunch. After going through the homeys (Homeland Security Screening) to enter the building, take off belt, shoes, empty pockets, cavity search ( kidding about that so far...). The guards ( cool guys, helpful) tell me they, the CG group are on lunch. I can hang out in the lunch room , come back ( do the screening again) , or go on the roof sitting area. I opt for the roof.

It is a nice view from there. I can see the Zencycle down the street, and hope to myself, I do not get a $35.00 parking ticket while waiting. That would be a major bummer. Glad that Mercury Retro thing is over... Since I am slipped in between a no parking sign and a car in a spot. I grab a few shots from the sky view and walk around a bit to kill time.

I head back down to the ground level and have to wait about 2 min before the green light on the door comes on saying it is ok, to enter the Coast Guard Office. I am the only one there so far, and sign in. I wait for a couple of minutes and a guy comes out to help me. I was told by Capt Mary that there were females running the show here, so I was only slightly surprised to have him wait on me. I tell him I am here to submit an application for my limited Masters, but not for the test. Him having asked two times... We go in to the rear section and I am seated. The guy goes through the papers after a min I get the sense he is new. I show him this and that, that and this. He is checking and looking , getting up going for stuff, etc. Meanwhile a couple of other applicants come in and the ladies help them. I say I have this waver from the the CG director about being with the ASA as an instructor so do not need to test I was told. He looks at it and says, hmmm. My other concern is about my CPR and 1st aid certificate. I hand it to him, he looks at it and says. "This is for both?"hmmm, I say yes. Ok, I'll copy it. After that and verify the originals I have for my passport, SS Card, and some other stuff. He gets out his check list. I am pleased as he comes down it slowly checking off everything. I've done the whole package. After a bit he get up and goes to check with one of the ladies. I hear them speaking in Tagalo... he comes back sign here please, then goes away, he comes back after more discussions, and once more do you have...? Finally I hear, this needs more info as he is talking with the lady. She comes over, "your Doctor needs to fill this part out as well. You can call him from this phone and have him fax over the info. Wheeww I am relieved I though it was going to be a two day affair. After speak with the nurse and her waiting me to fax over the sheet. The helpful lady at the office says I'll fax it for you. Have a seat.

Now I'm thinking, I wish I had brought my book this my take awhile..

tick toc tick toc...

Not too much later, the helpful lady says come with me for finger prints. She jokes a bit with myself and another worker while I am doing the deed. Afterwards I am directed to sit again. A short wait and now she wants to know how I am paying? Check or plastic. I hand her the card, and a short while later it is done.

So now I'm waiting again I 'm thinking ok , well at least I got most of it out of the way, now for the doctor...

Nothing more was said about the wavier for the written test from the ASA , or missing stuff, so I'm not sure what to think.

Soon she comes out, walks by the door a bit, then back, then to the door. I figure out she is waiting for something.. the new guy comes out, she says to him, "tell him 4 -6 weeks"

he comes over to me...

"4 to 6 weeks, do you want to pick it up or mail it?" I thought briefly, I hope to be working , but replied, I'll pick it up. "If you do not hear from us, call the helpful lady said". Marming salamat I replied, then se-gay. They both smiled as I headed for the door.

Now the wait...

I get to the ticket....sweet!  ;D

Sidenote: This should have gone on the SaiFar blog, but...since I know not what is happening there.... I posted here and on zensekai2.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Captain Smollett

Well told, Zen - very entertaining.

Have some Grog while you wait.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain

s/v Faith

Quote from: Captain Smollett on July 12, 2007, 09:55:19 AM
Well told, Zen - very entertaining.

Have some Grog while you wait.

  Here is another one for you... might take a while.  ;D

That is pretty cool that  ASA / USCG has worked this out.  Pretty hard to teach sailing if you can  not have some one aboard who is paying you to be there...
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.



Well, I got a call from the USCG this morning and it seems as my plans, hope for a USCG license in 4-6 weeks has gone aground.

I spoke with a rep for some time. I can still get my license, but the by pass with the ASA is not going to fly or should I say float! It is only good I was told for the Long Beach area NOT for here in the Bay. My alternatives, or choices is a better word, to continue are:

A - take the test. re: major study, I have no idea what is on the test. Meaning buying the test preparation books, study guide or something...

or B - take a class. I have found a deal via the Tradewinds school, where I took my teachers training exams, cost for that for $600.00

With no full time job that seems like a large amount of money, well it is anyway, but it is a lot cheaper than the average of over 1,000- 2,000 for the typical school class for this.

The positive of this would be I'd have a full masters, not a limited.

A Tide Book & chart would be nice to have...sitting here on a sand-barge.  :(
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Zen - dontcha just LOOOOOVE a good bureaucracy?  ::)


Anytime I have to deal with one, I take a book. Not just to deal with boredom, but to provoke action by the bureaucrats!

They *hate* to see you sitting there having the audacity to maybe enjoy the wait they are subjecting you to, and so will go out of their way to move things along.

They do this in order to get you wrapped up in their paperwork morass, in the hopes that thereby they will be able to suck out some of your life-force, which seems to be the primary raison d'etre for bureaucracy...

It's weird, but true! :D

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on the license. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Bill NH

Hey Zen, hang in there.  As a current holder of a 7th issue Masters License (master sail/steam/motor 1600 tons, Chief Mate unlimited tonnage) I've dealt with the coasties more than my share and know the feeling.  Assuming you're testing for one of the licenses under 200 gross tons and you're not going for the Oceans endorsement (requires celestial exam), the study books are your best bet if you're a motivated sort.  Spend a bit of time with the book, work through the chart problems, memorize the Rules of the Road and you'll pass no problem.  Feel free to PM me if there's anything I can help you with! 

And by the way, all the questions are now available online if you just want to study the questions rather than actually learn the material! ;)
125' schooner "Spirit of Massachusetts" and others...


Oh, the update to this is... I start a class end of next month.  Three weekends then a test with the school. The City of Oakland paid for 1/2 of cost as they wanted someone on staff who was official with the CG. I was the only one well on the way...They had money in a training grant...I got it... Nice  ;D
Sometimes it just works!
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

s/v Faith


  Hope you don't mind that I merged these.  I continue to be amazed at the ability of 'Homeland Security' to make this process more complicated then I could ever have imagined when I started this trhread OVER A YEAR AGO.

  I submitted an amazing amount of information when I went to Baltamore and submitted my application.  The person at the desk verified my application was complete....  :P

  I spoke with my mother the other day, and she said that I had gotten a call from the USCG about my liscence.

  First, I should say that about a month after I submitted the application they called my office and asked if 'The USS THeodore Roosevelt (a nuclear aircraft carrier) was over 200 Tons....   ::)

  Still waiting to find out what the issue is, but just wanted to share how truly amazing the orginazation is....
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Ol' Coot

Quote from: s/v Faith on November 08, 2007, 08:05:20 PM
...they called my office and asked if 'The USS THeodore Roosevelt (a nuclear aircraft carrier) was over 200 Tons...

You can not assign a weight to the "Big Stick"!  It is what it is.
"...somewhere in the swamps of Jersey"  - B.S. 1973