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Where are you going???

Started by Skipper Dave, January 10, 2006, 06:10:52 PM

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Skipper Dave

Okay lets not talk about the Big Trip next year or when the cruising kitty is full I mean this weekend where are you going.  I look forward to all our trips big and small they all count and great memories come from all of them so let me start with our next trip.  Sunday January 15th 10:00am from Marina Del Rey to Redondo for lunch and back.


This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27

Pixie Dust

I am going to bond with Pixie Dust this weekend.  I am going down either Thurs night or Fri. afternoon.  I am going to sail St. Andrews Bay and then anchor out at night and not come back to the dock until Sun night.  I do not care what the weather is, I figure whatever it is, I can always use the experience.  Need to get used to anchoring out in all kinds of weather.   I may even head out and do a little offshore time.  I think I will pick up some shrimp and do a little peel and eat. Maybe even do a little experimenting with my pressure cooker.  :))
I am like you, a weekend on her feels like a mini vacation!
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


Well, seeing that it's supposed to warm up to -20 for the weekend I figured I might go to the living room and watch Lonesome Dove again.   :o

Skipper Dave


You should get the DVD of Lats & Atts T.V. show at least you get to see other people sailing, enjoying the warm weather, sunbathing on the deck of their boat, drinking some exotic elixor.....oh heck what am I saying that would make me want to shoot myself.  Sorry...


This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27

Skipper Dave


How far are you going and how deep water are you anchoring in? Dig in good wouldn't want to wake up on shore.


This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27

Pixie Dust

Amorous and Dave.... You guys made me laugh out loud!!  You crack me up.   Amorous... I am sooo sorry.  I wish I could Beam you in some warm sun!

The depth is only around 17-20 feet deep outside of the channel.  I have lots of great little coves up here to anchor in, depending on wind direction.  Some are totally protected.   It is pretty cool, we have several bays, N, W, E.    Where the cut is to go into the Gulf of Mexico, you can hang a left and anchor behind an island called Shell Island.  Beautiful Beach... white sugar sand.  Last time I anchored there, I was sitting in the cockpit having my morning coffee and saw movement on the beach.  It was 3 deer, a little buck, doe and fawn.  The fawn was running around like a kid would do.  They were meandering up the beach among the sand dunes.   Pretty neat. 
I will be careful.  I think our front is supposed to go through here on Friday.  It is going to get chilly again at night... guess I will need my little coleman propane heater and my flannels!!
Enjoy your little jaunt!!
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2

Skipper Dave


That sounds like paradise.  I wish we had more coves and islands to sail to.  I just heard that there is rain in the forecast I just hope it's gone by Sunday. 


This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27


maybe the Lower Caribbean, but mostly planning to go to the Bahama' a first trip..we'll see where I end up.


Finally getting ready to go back down to 'Revival' next week.A couple jobs to finish off,then launch.Will go to Miami erea,cross to Bimini and this year head east to Berry Isl rather than north to the Abacos. Then Nassau, then the Exumas. It's the Exumas that are the coral/sand beachs complete with Iguanas on a few of them.We have done the Abacos and love the out's just that 'seeing it for the first time' thing that has the Exumas calling.Anyone that has sailed the Exumas and would like to share ideas....feel free. Anyone planning on the Abacos and wants info...send a private message.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


ok I didn't make it...the "sailing Guid to the Carribean" was sold out! I geuss it'll be another day sitting at home wishing....and reading about sailing. :D


I am not going anywhere this weekend.I donot need to go sailing for a day or a weekend I had enough of that.besides to be where I am now the mast has to be many fixed bridges.when I am ready there will be a few short sails,,,,,,then its to the panama canal,then hawaii,then back to california.1500miles,4500miles and 3500 miles respectively.leave here after hurricane season and be in california by the following summer.thats the plan.nothing new to me just more of the same old same old.I need to ready the boat and get some 2000 or so cans on board.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


Unless I go south I wont be sailing until March or April - There aint no freakin water in my pond!!  I'm working on a SanJuan 23 for resale so thats the extent of my boating right now.
Hold my beer and watch this poop


s/v Faith

Going down to the inlet this afternoon.  Will see what the conditions are when I get there.  May go out, or just drop the hook in Mile Hammock bay.  Been on the road for the last couple weeks, having withdrawls.....  >:(
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Skipper Dave

It is so great to hear of all the plans for sailing, it makes me feel normal.  In fact when I got my first boat and not knowing a thing about sailing I wouldn't tell anyone how much I enjoyed just being on the boat, not even going anywhere.  When I finally did share this with other boaters I was releaved to know it is normal.  Maybe I'm to concerned with being normal yet when you think about it there is nothing normal about floating around in a big plastic tub with bed sheets tied to it.


This moring it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27

s/v Faith

Don't know nuttin about normal.... I spend lots of time aboard too.  ;D

  Wind was light, did not make the 12 miles to the inlet.  Supposed to storm tonight.... temp is already dropping (it was 70 this afternoon, andf they are talking sleet for tomorrow.  I guess it is winter after all  >:(
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Coastal Cruiser

We explored a portion of the barrier islands. A friend does kite surfing, and had never seen it done before. So we wondered through the pretty oaks along Cedar Island to the shore, and caught these shots today. I was the offical photographer from the shore.

The shot of the creek is a great place for birding in our canoe. But today the winds were too brisk for my blood. But this time of year, its a pretty paddle and not a soul in our way. Enjoy


WOW that church shot reminds me so much of  Urbanna VA, Area. Is that the old school house next to it?

We have a guy here ( a gray beard ) that Kite boards around the Marina here in Martinez.

Do not see much kite surfing, alot of sailboarding though in these parts.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Coastal Cruiser

No the school is about 8 miles from that shot in Atlantic N.C.. The school is from pre-K to 8th grade.

Be warned if you travel the area in the summer time, you may be carried away by mosquitos, being mistaken for birds.  ;)

Pixie Dust

Well, did not get to anchor out.  :-[  Wind was kicking on Friday and Sat at 35 kt. with gusts a lot higher.  It was cold, cold too.  In the low 30's at night....however, Sunday was a different story.  Left the slip early and sailed all day.  Winds were 8-13 Kt. and made for a nice relaxing day of sailing.  I had a difficult time calling it a day and heading back to the slip.  If only Monday was not a work day.......  :)  I wanted 1 more night on the boat, so I just got up early this morning and headed back for work.  Sunrise was beautiful and the moon this weekend was gorgeous!
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2

Skipper Dave

Hey Connie,

We went out Sunday but it was kicking a bit.  Had to reef and the swells were good size so we went out about 2 miles then headed back in.  Its always fun being on the boat it's just that Sunday was a bit more challenging.


This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27