life's crests and troughs

Started by starcrest, December 21, 2005, 03:19:15 AM

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living on islaner wayfarer 29.small marina hassle sneakaboard concerns. doesnt matter if you do or dont .the way it should be.survived 4 direct hurricane hits.  also survived thyroid cancer. (20 years of xrays did it)planning on long distance voyage back to hawaii and guessed all my friends  (and/or otherwise) in california I will see you when I return. warn everyone. that will be my 3rd trip back,and that first 5 days is a futher mucker.thats rite read it and weep.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


Ah , cool, same boat as mine. I'm mot sure what else you were saying there, but...How about some info on your sail to Hawaii and back. I hear one way is smooth, the other is wet...

How did your boat handle.
Fuel concerns?
Food ?
Docking there in Hawaii. I hear the marinas are not that great

Hmmm so if U R in Fla, then you need to go the long way around to get to Hawaii, via the canel...
How was that trip?
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


you have to read my rite up.I did that sail to hawaii 3 times on 3 differnt boats,2 were mine one I crewed can read the write up by doing an internet search on yahoo:"sailing an ariel to hawaii and back"type that in and click on the second item... it will have the fotos.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


Hmmm, sounds familar. I may have already read it on the Ariel site & Link.

I need to check...

If so... COOL!  Sensei *bows*
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Please Buy My Boats. ;)


"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


sill alive and somewhat hopefully well but soon leaving the east coast
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


in the trough of one wave all I could see was a looming wall of water.Surging up to the crest leads to a roiling cascade of refreshing white water only to permit an onward view to forever.such is the way of lifes ups and downs.I have been living on this boat for over 6 years.I have had my share of ups and downs.cruising the ICW was fun but the best memory I have was with Annie.we raised those two kittens from day one.we had to force feed them with an eye dropper until finally I got "Oopie" to eat on his own with "Shlitzie" coming in a close second.this lead to an unforgettable "high fives" with Annie.that was the highest crest of the 6 years on that boat.the lowest trough---and most trying time for me-----was not the bouts with unemployment-----they lasted  less than  4-5 weeks----it was when Annie suffered a serious bout with  (previously unbeknownst to me---) her schizo-effective disorder.she was serious when she said the demons were coming to get her----she had no reason to live ---she would not stop crying----I had to take her to a crisis unit.that was something I never dealt with.then there was the time I was like an expectant father in a maternity ward---only I was working a midnite shift in an ER----looking at tv monitors----I knew hurricane jean was too close----only to find my boat floating amongst the debris.I am still not sure---was that a crest or trough----then---comes the thyroid cancer thing----trying hopelessly to get help-----only to get turned away---even by the very hospital where I work---work place discrimination so its called---finally I paid 10,000 bux just to get my feet in the door of a hospital----still theres 100,000 dollars in unpaid  bills---radiation therapy----2500 dollars for a session-----33 sessions------do the math-----the tracheaotomy----the radioactive iodine ablation------the lawyers ---the bills----now comes this  marina thing-----I couldnt find a  place to keep the boat and live on it-----so I am told if I dont move it they will for me-(ebay)---can you say abandon ship???? the mast was never has been cut up and sold for scrap.I took everything off-----the sails the vane gear the now is just a hull and is being left in the care of a neighbors' friend---so I hear he needs a place to stay.he will have to move it.I have been to las vegas many times.that place is lotsa fun. its not far from the west,yaknow some day I am gunna get a boat----justa see whats out there----beyond the horison.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


 ever thought about bringing it to N.C.? I know of a few places here that you can live aboard and get the repairs done...and still afford  to eat. lol.
I might can help with site ofcourse .. in dealing with medicaid and disability.
  it's an open invatation so drop me a PM if you need help or want to talk.


thanks but arrangements have been made and I am off to stay with relatives in vegas.I need a change.I dont care to be anywhere near where hurricanes go.besides Iwant to see that area 51 thing.I have plans to get another boat in the future---thats why I kept all my stuff---also there are some other pending health situations that need to be taken care of---
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


 lol Area 51 does not exist..there is nooooothing to see see
my boats small but easy and cheap toi handle. if you get to missing  the sail thing too much, you can take it out for a few weeks or so. some one needs to take it out while I'm getting a new ankle anyway. lol.


I have never heard of ankle joint replacement---hips- knees yes--you are probably gunna get losta plates and screws---or something called an external fixator and then theres the physical therapy---you musta had one of lifes troughs  recently.did you step on a land mine??? I hoida dat hapinen
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


lol no I had some steel pins and screws in my ankle and they screwed up so the doc will go in and remove the screw and pins in the ankle, grind some bone down some and then we'll see how things go. I have a plate and 6 screws in my lower leg, and 2 pins and a screw in my ankle from a parachuting inccadent, back in 1992 or 93. I wouldn't call it one of lifes troughs though. I did have a great time right up to the last few minutes  when the stupid chute screwed up up...I think it was a packing related thing. you got to get them tiney twigs off the runners and the packer didn't do it on my chute.
anyway I thought it was fun while it lasted.


parachuting accident -- I am D-18325  (600 plus jumps) I know a low hook turn when I hear it.also---grinding bone down---sound like osteo myelitis------very bad bone infection- probably originated from  the first operation ---I will quote an orthopod-----"once an osteo always an osteo"---I am a radiographer and have seen much of this-several weeks of very strong intravenuos antobiotics----in a hospital room---then given orally when it starts resolving.on an x-ray it looks like a cat has been scratching on the bone.I dont want to scare the b-jesus out of you but you better adhere to the schedule for your antibiotics.otherwise that foot cometh off.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


aaahhhhh so you know about what they have planned then? I try to hope for the best myself, maybe it'll turn out to be a simple bone spur or something simple.
the low hook turn wasn't my idea...well it sort of started out a little higher then low...I thought I had it under control...if I had just a minute or two
so tell me about osteo myelitis.. I think they said it was something like that, I can't remember.


PERSONAL MESSAGE ON THE WAY.I dont think they would go back in for a simple bone spur------and arthritis is not treated by grinding bone----arthritis IS BONE GRINDING ON BONE------osteo is very very seriuos----it is a bone infection
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


hay thanks. PM received lol. well I still figure I can work around most anything that happens...after all didn't Triston Jones sail around with a wooden leg? lol.
thanks for the advise.


does anyone out there in sailfar land know anything about Lake Mead????? dont all answer at once-----I will find out soon for my self
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


well here it is----DROVEFARDAT(DOT)CAR. I had the garmin gps on the dashboard the whole time----very interesting----even a lane change registered on the true rose---but heres my query----the analog speedometer on the car did not register the same as the gps.which do you think is more accurate? according to the odometer I covered 2619 miles.however the gps said 2731 miles.I think that even changing tire size would make a difference in the odometer readout---thats why I am tending to go with the garmin readout.also the gps never blinked---it never said "searching the sky" as it has done before----except fot two short tunnels I went thru.before I did the first voyage on the ariel I drove up and down the pacific coast hwy taking sextant sights-- to see for my self the dramatic changes in the resultant l.o.p.' as I knew I was headed across country I figured I would partake in this experiment.Also----these units have an altitude read out----I always knew it was innacurate---however on I10 west in the western part of texas----I began going up hill----I notice the altitude readout---I compared this to my skydiving altimeter----lo' and behold it was somewhat accurate----at 5000 feet on the aneroid altimeter, the gps was suprisingly rite there ----with in a few hundred feet----this was a a new discovery issue for me---I never thought the gps altitude  was accurate especially when it said I was 149 feet up----at the dock.even tho this is a sailing website I figured I would tell  about this-----having to do with a marine hand held gps.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.


Don't you have to adjust the altitude when you setup the gps the first time? My little Garmin handheld didn't have that function, but I thought most of the newer ones did.
Larry Wilson