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Holiday Boat Parade

Started by Skipper Dave, December 04, 2006, 06:15:38 PM

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Skipper Dave

Preparation for next weeks boat parade in Marina Del Rey.  The theme "A Pirate's Winter Wonderland".  Still have another 2,000 lights to put on this week.  As you see it thats 4000+ lights.  If you don't believe me count them.  We enter every year and have won every honor except the "Grand Prize".  Going for it again this year.  


S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27

Skipper Dave

Sorry gang could not attach the pictures for some reason.

Captain Smollett

Well, good luck anyway.  2000 lights on a boat?  Is that KISS?  (I guess it is if you have a big enough solar panel...)   ;D
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


I bet you'll be visible from the Shuttle/ISS. :D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Skipper Dave

Thanks everyone I will have lots of good pics and will figure out how to post them.


This morning it looked so nice out I thought I'd leave it out.

S/V "Tina Marie" Cal 2-27


will host picture for free, then just link to here, and bada bing bada boom!
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

s/v Faith

I have a red, a green, and a star on top.... I am all set.  ;D
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Do they know 'winter' that far south?


Solace -

27 °F  / -3 °C when I woke this AM.

Yes, goldarnit, we do know winter. Knowing it, however, does not mean liking it.... :D


Another free pic site is (at least, used to be)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Captain Smollett

Quote from: CapnK on December 08, 2006, 09:22:56 AM

27 °F  / -3 °C when I woke this AM.

With forecast 18 F for tomorrow AM.  KR, I hope you have your flower pot ready!! 
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


Hey - how did that picture of Commander Pete get in there? Hmmm...

:D :D :D :D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Cmdr Pete


A few minutes of shoveling and I'm good to go

1965 Pearson Commander "Grace"

Melonseed Skiff "Molly"


  THINK "BUBBLER" SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!...and hot water bottle
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


BRRR.  Cmdr Pete... the snow looks awfully cold... and I'm guessing the water is too.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more

s/v Faith

Quote from: Cmdr Pete on December 08, 2006, 10:20:27 AM

A few minutes of shoveling and I'm good to go

Just exactly how much grog would one have to consume before settling into that cockpit and going for a sail seemed like a good idea? ???

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Quote from: s/v Faith on December 09, 2006, 10:29:29 PMJust exactly how much grog would one have to consume before settling into that cockpit and going for a sail seemed like a good idea? ???

For me - approximately the same amount as it would take to *float* that boat. :D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Hoping everyone has a great festive season full of fun and creating fond memories. Good health,good times,less work and more sailing in 07 to ALL. Thanks for the info exchanged,the inspirations and humour shared last year. Thanks to the Capn K for starting this site. It is now 'just' over a year old !!  Ya done good ! 
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Merry Christmas, Frank and everyone! (Of course, if Christmas doesn't apply to you, then insert the appropriate sentiment... ;) ;D )

Been really busy with various and sundry things, but last night called it quits for a few hours, stopped and stayed at my brothers house for a lil' family get-together. Though I missed out on the chat last night, it was for a good reason - our own 60th Anniversary screening of "It's A Wonderful Life!". :) What a classic. That, and the infectious holiday enthusiasm of my 6 yr old niece and 3 yr old nephew, made it feel more like a traditional Christmas than anything so far. I've been too busy to be either Kris Kringle or The Grinch this year - just another schmo trying to get by right now... ;D

We've had a tragedy at the marina - a young fella, 25 yrs old, who was staying on his folks boat, disappeared off the docks about 10 days ago, the Friday before last. Surveillance cameras don't show him leaving the docks on foot. Everyone is fairly certain he fell off the dock that Fri night/Sat morn early, and was unable for whatever reason to save himself. He had recently had at least one seizure which left him unconscious, so that is the prime suspect as to what could have happened. Lots of searching by all available methods have turned up no evidence of him at all.

It's very sad for the family, especially at this time of the year which is usually a time for getting together and celebrating, if nothing else, being family. I'd ask y'all to say a good word for the family to the Deity of your choice, if you feel so inclined. As they are friends of mine, I wish them closure, even if it means that the worst is confirmed...

But I don't mean to put a damper on this thread that Frank started! Perhaps the knowledge of loss, of how fleeting life can be, will help remind everyone to appreciate all the wonderful parts of life that we have. It does for me. :) I mentioned my niece and nephew, but besides them my extended family has grown by 2 members since Thanksgiving. One sister gave birth to a little girl, and another sister completed a successful adoption, so I became an Uncle twice in as many weeks. ;D (The family get-togethers are starting to resemble a kid convention.  :o :D )

Frank mentioned sailFar's Anniversary - yahoo! ;D I think that yesterday was 1 year to the day. Wow! :o It's been a lot of fun, it's been neat making new friends, learning new things, finding out that my own 'small boat madness' is not at all uncommon. Well, statistically, I guess it still is - but you know what I mean... :D

I'm certainly glad to have 'met' all of y'all this past year, and want to express a deep thanks and gratitude for everyone's contributions. I know that you've helped make my eventual journey a better one. Heck, I've even used ideas from this forum already. :) I'm looking forward to watching how we continue to grow over the next year. Some of us will be gone off on their trips, maybe we'll hear from them how it's going from time to time - how cool is that... ;D

OK, enough of this 'hijacking' of Franks thread...

Mele Kalikimaka! ;D
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Same to y'all, CJ and L! I sure hope Santy is good to you both... :) Beautiful pic!
Please Buy My Boats. ;)