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The SailFar interviews

Started by Zen, February 26, 2007, 02:52:33 PM

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Quote from: maxiSwede on March 01, 2007, 05:17:38 AM

Can´t recall I´ve ever came across a pilot or something on Japan. As a martial arts instructor since ages I would laso be interested in ..... (deleted: Off Topic)

See my blog, several post on MA, zen and sailing
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Quote from: CapnK on March 04, 2007, 08:48:42 AM

One other thing: Feng Shui. Do they even attempt it on a boat? :D
I mean - boats swing at anchor, courses differ, there's *no way* to set the things on a boat up so that they stay in a good healthy alignment, right?
So - would boats have an inherently good Feng Shui anyway, because they are on the water, because they are living things?

That's what I would think would be the answer. ;D

Good Questions: I will answer this one. I have studied with and been certified by two International Feng Shui masters. Feng Shui is a Chinese not Japanese., THough the Japanese have taken an changed many Chinese pracitices eg: "Zen" is a Chinese Buddhist practice started in the Shaolin ( as in Kung Fu) temple. It is called "Chan" in China, which means Zen in Japanese. Japanese only do Feng Shui for the most part on a small basis eg: do not sleep with head pointing north. Now as for boat and Feng Shui
a boat in a slip can have feng shui done to it as it is always in the same spot while docked. However a boat at anchor can not, as you say because the position is always changing.
As far as inherently good Feng Shui of a boat, no. Traditional feng Shui is very complex, New age Feng Shui is not. It has does not have to do with being alive. Boats are not, having a spirit/energy is not the same as being alive. Rocks have a spirit, but they are not alive, trees are alive, dirt/earth has a spirit but it is not alive, same for metal. Tradional Feng Shui not only deals with the energy of an object eg: boat, but also the energy around it eg: water, mtn, other ships (metal or wood) as well as the energy of the person(s) on the boat as well as the day/time/year it was built and launched if apllied to a boat, in the case of a house, when the roof was placed on it. Then there is the 5 element factor, eg: water nurishes wood, wood nurishes fire, fire to earth, earth to metal, metal to water, I'm not sure where plastic fits in this, as it is not a natural element, so it's nature is unknown, at least by me, perhaps one of my teachers would know.

So is that way more than you wanted to know  ;D
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Captain Smollett

Quote from: Zen on March 05, 2007, 05:46:19 PM

I'm not sure where plastic fits in this, as it is not a natural element, so it's nature is unknown, at least by me, perhaps one of my teachers would know.

I would offer that "plastic" is a natural substance from two points of view.

1. There are certainly natural polymers with plastic characteristics.  I believe amber would make a good example.  Zebra mussels excrete a substance that becomes one of the strongest "glues" known, and it has a similar mesostructure to many of our "manmade" resins.  Manmade plastics may differ in detail (which atoms bound in which positions), but the overall 'essence' is very, very similar to naturally occuring macromolecules.

2. Chemistry is about transformation; the 'synthetic' plastics that are typically meant by 'plastic' are rearranged atoms from some other, naturally occuring stuff.

Since we're being spiritual today....   :)
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


Hmmm interesting. I would say then that if Fiberglass falls in the relm of rearranged elements then it's essence would be natural. eg: glass=sand, paper=tree.
Thinking on this more everything, that we have on this planet, starts from some "natural" form/e/element or another, since everything we have to work with comes from this planet (so that we know of) all things reduced to their essence are natural. With that in mind, it would be a matter of correctly determaning which element class it belonged in.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

s/v Faith

WRT fiberglass;

Quotematter cannot be created or destroyed, only redistributed
Law of Conservation of Matter

Quote....and there is no new thing Under the Sun.
King Soloman; Ecclesiastes 1:9

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Quote from: Zen on March 05, 2007, 05:46:19 PMGood Questions: I will answer this one. I have studied with and ...{what is the sound of one big log being sawn}... nature is unknown, at least by me, perhaps one of my teachers would know.

So is that way more than you wanted to know  ;D

Huh? Wuzzupflsh? {blinks eyes, wipes drool off forearm} Erm, yeah, Zen, I got it! Great!

;D ;D ;D :D ;D ;D ;D




hehe - Actually, I found what you wrote about the difference between a thing being alive vs having spirit an interesting delineation, one well made, and worthy of future contemplation.

Smollett is obviously a master of Molecular Shui. :D

Last, it would seem that perhaps 'water energy' and 'plastic energy' complement each other. :)

Thanks for the reply - really. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Greetings from Japan,

I had a good meeting with Yoh Sensei, we spoke on on Zen and sailing. I will post the questions and answers later. I am limted on internet access and I forgot to bring my adapter plug fror power so I am running low on go juice for my laptop :-(
other than the cold al is well. My stomach is full of food and sake, put my computer is low on power.

Back later.

Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Great Zen... look forward to the posts... :D  Get well soon too.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


It was a rainy evening when when landed in Osaka Kansai Airport. We found our way by taxi out to the marina where, Yoh Sensei was waiting. The driver knew where the place was, right away, he said it was famous.
It was just getting dark when we arrived and to our surprise Yoh sensei came out to meet us as we were settling with the driver.
After he made us some green tea and some chating on other things, Zen study and philosophy, I started with some boat questions.

Q: Does Japan have the same fricton with regard to Anchoring as in the states?

A: The problems in Japan come from friction between the sailors and the commerical fisherman.  Not from the government.

Q; Do Japanese tend like, to go long distance criusing or mostly in local waters?

A: A large portion of the sailors like to do long distance sailing. Many that take classes with his school are over 50 and planning for their retirement cruise.

Q:What would you do different now if you were to make a circumnatigation again?

A: Not do it!
however if did, a GPS would be nice. Original trip was made with sextance only. Some modern equipment is nice, but nothing overley done. Some basics.

Q: I have a 29ft Islander, with a full keel. What would you say is the perfect size boat for that type pf trip?

A: That is a very good size. Not too big to handle alone or with one person, but big enough to be comfortable.

Q: Advice for a person making a long passage?

A: Boat should be in good shape of course, but the mind and spirit must also be in good shape that is equal as important. Not just to go out with a light attitude, like taking a drive somewhere.

Q: Did you study Zen before or after you took your trip?

A: After the trip the media made me to be a big hero. I was not doing it to be a hero , I just wanted to see what was out there. After all the press I found I had lost myself. That is when I came across my Zen master who asked if I wanted to follow him. I studied with him for 6 yrs.

Q: Did you have any type of spritual experience while out, something to make you more aware the "universe" lead you to Zen?

A: There were two times. One I was sleeping at night and I just woke up for no reason, I went to look around and found a big tank bareing down on me. I woke in time to get out of the way. He did not see me as I had no lights.

Another time I was leaving S.F. heading out toward the Farllon Islands. I had been with the people sending me off and had a lot to drink so was somewhat sleepy. I figured the lslands to be a couple of hours away and I could take a short nap. after while I heard a strange sounds and got up to check them, it turned out to be the waves breaking on the rock around the Fairllons. I had sleep too much and if I had snot woke up at that time, I would have been on the rocks.

There is more to this, which I will post later as well as on my blogs, once they get more typed up. right now it is late here and we have an early day tomorrow. Hopefully I can find computer access later in the week. Right now I am in a good area and picked up a free wifi.

Fair winds

SailFar sticker now in Japan!
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

s/v Faith


  I read the interview, I was thinking 'what great stuff'....  ;D

I really appreciate you taking the time to gather our questinos, and bringing them with you. 

  I really got a kick out of the end!  Cool  ;D 8) ;) :) ;D

Quote from: Zen on March 11, 2007, 12:15:24 PM
.....Fair winds

SailFar sticker now in Japan!
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Captain Smollett

Very Cool, Zen.  Thanks a BUNCH for posting that.  Grog to ya, mate.   :)
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


Neato, Mr Zen! Good pic, too! :D

Looking forward to reading more!
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


I just found out if I sit in the kitchen I can access someones wifi, sweet!   ;D

This above the Yacht that Yoh Sensei sailed around the world, built in his yard. It is kept on public display

This is the rest of the interview:

Q: Are there good anchorage's in Japan.

A: There are many great anchorage location in the inland sea area. Out of the way little islands.

Q: Typically Japanese like new things and throw away things even if still useful, to have something new. Does  that mind set hold true with boats?

A: Basically yes. Although it is not my way. I find value in older boats.

Q: How do you feel about a boat load of gadgets and comfort toys on Sail boats?

A: When I am delivering boats, they are nice to have. They are nice comfort items great for when working. But on my boat no. They take away from real sailing, and too many electronic things are more to go wrong, more to hassle with. But for working, business, all the toys are nice, on someone else's boat

Q: When you set out on your trip how much experience did you have?

A: I was 22 when I set out. All of my sailing had been done on the inland sea with no offshore experience. I had been sailing for about two years.

Q: ( from Lady Zen) Do you think that Zen will have enough experience &  knowledge to make such a trip with just another 4 hrs of training? ( that was her big sailing question  ;D )

A: Yes! He has the correct mind for it. He also has more experience than I had when I set off. I had no formal training, no certificates, no licensing.
( from me Whewwwww)

The balance of misc is posted on my blog, with more pictures.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Good to get reassurance from an unbiased source... ;)
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more

Cmdr Pete

Thanks Zen!

Yoh Sensei got me inspired. Right up until I saw his photograph

1965 Pearson Commander "Grace"

Melonseed Skiff "Molly"


What's wrong with his photo??? Also, Zen, do you know what kind of boat he sailed around the world in???
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more

Cmdr Pete

Oh, a great photo.

Must be lots of fun. Probably like downhill skiing, during an avalanche
1965 Pearson Commander "Grace"

Melonseed Skiff "Molly"


Quote from: AdriftAtSea on March 13, 2007, 12:45:57 PM
What's wrong with his photo??? Also, Zen, do you know what kind of boat he sailed around the world in???

Is it not showing for you ??
or do you mean a boat on a land stand... that is weird!

He built the boat himself, so it is not a production model. I would guess though that it is based on a Japanese Yamaha design. Thye are big boat builders here.  He said some of the older boats, used a fin keel design, but not as cutaway or narrow as US racing designes.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


I was wondering about the boat... and CmdrPete's photograph..but now i see the photo he was talking about..

It doesn't look that bad... no breaking top on the wave at least... ;)

Besides, how would you know if skiing down an avalanche is fun if you haven't tried it...  :D
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more