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Test Sail

Started by Iceman, February 14, 2006, 05:10:18 PM

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Well here we go

We have the realtor coming this weekend to help us decide whether to sell the house or rent it out and save it for an investment

We plan to take Kaikoura off the Lake this summer via the Champlain Canal (we have done this twice before)
for our maiden voyage aka test sail

Trip includes mast unstepping to do the canal, onwards to NYC then to Shark River NJ to visit family then figure out what next

Not into daysailing this year 8)

Coastal Cruiser

I wish you well with the "right" decision, as we never know until after the fact, sometimes. The last time I did the Champlain canal, it was in a motor yacht that cleared a bit over 17 feet, if I recall correctly. The running light staff went between the bolts in the bridges, is several cases, as the only way that we made it down through the fixed areas.


Thanks Coastal
Morehead City after labor day/hurricane season is inthe radar scope too


Sounds great, Iceman! When you get down past Morehead, remember to look me up! :D

Keep us posted on what happens, OK?
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Coastal Cruiser

Okay, will be waiting with open arms and cold beer.

Pixie Dust

This pict is wayyyy awesome!!
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


sorry folks it reminds me way too much of that scene from the movie "titanic"
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.