Cool Commodore Monroe boat

Started by Frank, April 03, 2015, 12:32:12 PM

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Commodore Monroe was a famous Florida Bay boat designer and sailor. He was definitely "KISS" and liked shallow fast boats. This is one of his old designs.
I came across this beauty getting centerboard repairs in the yard here. 32ft long, 30ft on the waterline, relatively light, very narrow and extremely shallow draft at 2ft boards up!
The cabin is quite long with berths for 4, a forward head, aft galley and about 5ft of headroom.
The owner is early 70's, a long time sailor that also loves fast boats. He reports 8-9knots on broad reach's and up to 14 on surfs. Long-light and narrow...I believe him. The boat reflects his unique personality right down to it's electric drive.
Cool guy...very cool boat!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Interesting boat, Frank. Thanks for posting. :)

With an electric motor and that big battery bank, was wondering if he had some serious solar PV panels for recharging...?


Yep....if you look above his dingy davits you'll kinda see the panels. 4 big ones!
(on the previous side view)

It really is narrow!!!

I'll take more pics when I go back to the yard.
Too hot to work for too long. (sorry to the northerner's)
paved and no breeze....WAY cooler afloat!!
I just peck away at it.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Ah...I see them now, Frank. Thanks!  :)

s/v Faith

What a beautiful boat!

  Thanks for taking the pictures and posting this Frank.

I liked the electric propulsion, adding self sufficiency (especially in the islands) is always a good thing....

I wonder what his battery bank capacity is?  How long to charge, etc.... 

Other threads for those discussions of course, but the more  folks go that way, the more feasible it will become.....   I hope it is working out well for him.
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Jim...I stand corrected...2 panels...450 watt total

Craig...he doesn't use the engine much so it's only a "back up" if in trouble. Batteries are Lithium (sp?) and 45 volt. I doubt a very long range...

Pretty boat!! Great for the Keys or Bahamas!! He just sailed up from Exuma for centerboard repairs.

Pic shows centerboard slots ...both port and starboard! it me...or does this boat not suit him well!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


The cockpit is narrow...good foot bracing!
Cabin is long-narrow as well.

very sweet boat.

I haven't seen it wet...but he showed me full sail pics....extremely pretty under canvas!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Better dingy davit-panel mount shot

great lines!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men