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When Dinghies Attack

Started by Captain Smollett, September 25, 2007, 11:35:00 PM

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Captain Smollett

There is one simple fact of life that cannot be disputed: inflatable dinks will develop leaks.

I've had my share of leaks.  Each time I fix one, another pops up.  I guess I use my dinghy pretty hard - for example, in one day this summer, I hauled about 500 lbs of goodies back and forth from the boat, and that's NOT counting trips to transport the family members.  So, hard use takes its toll, I guess.

But today was something new.

The scenario:

I had to meet a client this afternoon, so I had my 'work clothes' in my backpack.  I had overnighted on the boat doing small chores and planning bigger ones, all the while wondering just how much I actually WILL get done before the next BIG family outing.  Alas, when it was time to go, I loaded my gear on the dink and began rowing ashore, supposedly in PLENTY of time to change clothes and get on the road.

It's a short row across the town channel of the Sampit River.  I have been granted the use of the dinghy dock at Hazzard Marine, and usually approach by first crossing the channel, then rowing parallel to the face dock.  The last leg is a turn of about 135 degrees to pass between the face dock an the travel lift, gently glide back behind some slips and land on the dock whereever there is an opening.

This afternoon, as I made that turn, I heard a distinctive "hissssssssss" and notice the boat quickly became hard to row!!  Two rapid strokes toward the dinghy dock and I knew I was not going to make it, so I turned and headed for an empty 'big boat' slip.  I barely made that.  By the time climbed out the dink, she probably would not have held me afloat another ten seconds.  She was nearly deflated by the time I got my stuff unloaded.

Okay, so it's not a SAILING story, but sailing related.  You'd think as fast as it leaked down, and as loud as the hissing was, I'd find the hole easily.  Not yet, but I've got, what two days to get it fixed before I need it again?

;D ;D :o :o ;D ;D

PS: CapnK witnessed the tail end of this - my last dash for the finger dock and quick climb out...I'm just glad he did not have his video camera.  That's one I'd rather not see on YouTube.   ;)
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


LOL... glad you made off the suicidal dinghy okay... but I do wish CapnK had had the video cam out and on... :)
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
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