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Started by s/v Faith, August 14, 2006, 04:27:15 PM

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You'd think that DHS could figure out how big one of our own Aircraft Carriers were??? DHS seems to be pretty ineffective in a lot of what they're supposed to do... so I'm not too surprised.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


This is /was the first weekend of a series of three for training to take the USCG OUVP Captain License Test. The class was being hosted by Tradewinds Sailing School. My last class there was for the ASA teacher for Basic Coastal Instructor some 6 months ago I think it was. There was a guy there from South Africa who was....hmmm, not someone who I enjoyed being around let's say. I'm not big on the know it all types that share their knowledge asked or not. Low and behold he was there on Friday when I arrived for class. I was the first there, he the second. I passed him just outside when he was coming in. He did not speak, so I did not bother as well. When in the room there was nothing setup as yet. I took a spot on the floor and prepared to wait. He took out some chairs and setup a table, setup his space and motion that I could next to him. I smiled slightly , thinking no way will I do that again, but I shook my head no . I said I'm off to look for a Loo and headed out the door.

After tracking around almost back to the main office some quarter mile away, I encountered the person in charge of the school. We had taken the last teacher IQC together also. He is a nice guy, quiet ex-navy, he his father and wife run the school. All nice folks. I had ran into his father down in Southern Ca at the ASA convention we got to chat some. Anyway, after some time I was able to make it to the Loo and back to the class room, It was still empty. I played a game with two ping pong paddles and a ball, then just sat and did a bit of meditation.

Finally others arrived, tables were setup, I took one in front. There were about 21 people I think I heard the instructor say. The room was large, but cold. Did I say it was cold! The whole weekend was cold! The room was also cement with no insulation so voices carried really well which turned out later to be a problem as the guys had loud voices, and no one thought to trying to speak softy when having personal table conversations. At one point the teacher was trying to give directions, and the other voices were so loud no one could hear and he had to wait until the chatter stopped before he could continue with the class. A couple of times it was the guy from S.A. who held up the class with his loud voice talking over the teacher to his table-mate. He is not a bad guy I just do not care for his style. There were others being as rude while the instructor was lecturing, it was very trying for me to not speak-up, but I did well.

The instructor was a entertaining guy had lots of stories an the animation to tell it interesting. It was much better than just being spoke at. He went over the class matters, subjects, etc. We will cover things in three segments, the test were in four modules. Deck General, Plotting, Rules of the Road, Navigation. The things covered so far seem very much like the ASA things, except some areas are less. It does seem the question are themselves the challenge, not so much the information.

Now the the class...It was Navigation for this weekend a lot of it was review from the ASA navigation course. The plotting for the ASA was much more demanding than what we went over and were showed that was needed to learn for the CG (Coast Guard). It is good practice for when I retake my Navigational Instructor Test for the ASA again, in the Spring (2008) Part of the the two and final ASA teaching certificates I want next year. After that it will be just training for the sail courses. Celestial Navigation (2010), Advanced Coastal Cruising (2009) and Passage making. (2011) With some practice, good weather, money, planning and the blessings of the Force I will be off...

Sorry I digress... The class tonight was review and it was nice. I needed some clarification on things and practice on my plotting skills. The instructor had me helping the guy who I sat with, I thought that was funny since I barely felt I know what I was doing. After I got over my natural un-comfortablenesses of being forced to work with someone unknown. I settled into the task. The guy and I worked out well, I lend from behind. He did most of the hands on paper plotting with some aid and assistance from me. It worked out, we both got to practice.

It was a long day weekend. 9-6 Sat/ Sun, 6-9:30 on Friday. I have two more weekends...This will be a long journey. Three weeks with no rest time. It will be a challenge. Not just with all the study and work , but the endurance part of these long days. Oh well, I'll ganbatte ( do my best)!

It has been asked "so Z what are you going to do with all this? " Well, the teaching ASA certificates are already in use with the city of Oakland , a HELPFUL part time job. The USCG approval, makes me full legal to run my own school or charter or the like. It also gives me some good image clout in Japan holding a USCG Captain's license and for when I write my book. The other training is for me to know what I'm doing "out there" and again clout for teaching in Japan.

Anyway that is long term... for now, I'm just trying to get my act together, laying groundwork...
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


Sounds good Zen... :D  Keep use posted.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


 Ahhhh yeah...Holiday..sweet!

Dudes I am soo ready for this. Holla!!

Yeah after the last few weeks ( actually the whole bloody year) I am ready to kick it.

SO the final test day , I studied , I practiced, I studied. Everyone at the test night was pumped up and ready to go. At least to get it over with, especially watashi (me)!

It took awhile for everything to get setup. Once ready I was one of the first if not the first to get my test and have at it. However I was not the first finished and I did not want to be. I took my time and went over the questions carefully. The first test was what most considered the most difficult, the Rules of the Road. Most including moi took that one first. I'm glad I put in the time with the on-line practice test. I ended with one wrong out of 30. Nice! One is only permitted 4 wrong on this section. I got 1 out of 30 incorrect.

The next one I did was On deck general, Knots, safety, fires, that kind of stuff. I think I got 16 correct. I needed 14. Then there was Navigation, I do not remember what I got, but I passed which is the most important. There was one or two tricky question on there, I was not ready for, but I passed. Finally was the plotting. One needed speed and to be correct. in some way this was the hardest part, because one had to pick the answer that was closest to the one you got...yuk! Then there were a couple of questions on there that was not covered in the class, choosing which chart was best for another section of the river, also what radio station to dial into tho get the local weather and news!!!?!??! After some logical thinking I was able to find what I needed on the chart. !!! wheww . Then I was done.

The instructor took those who had finished outside for the results. I heard someone, while I was still working get the news... I heard ahh no, sucks! I find out later he had missed something by one point. Meaning e had to return to re-test that section in Feb.

Finally it was my turn... He handed me my stack of papers. I looked it over and the final numbers. I knew I had passed the Rules of the road, but could not tell about the other stuff, so I said "what does this mean?" I was good to go I was told, I passed!! wooo hoooooo!

What a relief I felt like a weight was off my shoulders. I felt good, I was smiling as I said my good byes to the gang, amoungest good wishes I headed off into the night.

Now I can bring in the new year with all that behind me. Next step once I receive the certificate from the school is to take that to the CG. I was told Once they have that it should only take a week or so before I get my official license. Captn Zen in da Hous!! Bazai! bazai! banzai!!!
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Captain Smollett

WOO HOO!!  Congrats, Zen.

Grog to ya, mate.  Of course, the next round is on you, which is proper.  Gotta wet the swab.   ;D
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


Congrats Zen...

BTW, don't smoke... it'll stunt your growth.... OH RATS... too late.. :D
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


Congratulations, Captain Zen! That's awesome. :) I'm glad for you, what a milestone. It seems like your quest has taken a long time. Do you feel more official? :)

(I assume no li'l babies were harmed in the making of that picture?  ;D ;D ;D )

PS - Have some Christmas and Congrats Grog on me!  8)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Bill NH

Way to go Capt Zen!  Have another grog...  don't drive tonight!

Aren't you glad a license is good for 5 years before you have to renew!   ;D
125' schooner "Spirit of Massachusetts" and others...


Thanks gents, a round of Grog on me!!!  ;D
ok make it two!!

Quote from: CapnK link=topic=602.msg12537#msg12537 date=
Congratulations, Captain Zen! That's awesome. :) I'm glad for you, what a milestone. It seems like your quest has taken a long time. Do you feel more official? :)

(I assume no li'l babies were harmed in the making of that picture?  ;D ;D ;D )

PS - Have some Christmas and Congrats Grog on me!  8)

Capt K, yes a do feel more official . THe quest did take a long time...but that is why they are "quest" ! ;D

BTW: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings to ALL.
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club


I mailed in my final paper work on Sat. Today Weds I got back my official license from the USCG!

Grog for everyone!!!

Is it a big deal?

...hells yeah!!!!


now I'm going to Disneyland!!!!

Captn Zen...sweet!
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club



Congrats, bud. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Captain Smollett

Congrats, Zen!!  Good Job.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


S/V Auspicious
HR 40 - a little big for SailFar but my heart is on small boats
Chesapeake Bay

Beware cut and paste sailors.


Congrats Captain Zen. :)
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more

Bill NH

Nice going Capt Zen.  You survived the Coast Guard licensing gauntlet and are obviously worthy of the title!
125' schooner "Spirit of Massachusetts" and others...



Gauntlet indeed!

Almost like going through Shaolin temple graduation  :o
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club

Cmdr Pete

Way to go there Cap'n Zen, you salty dog

1965 Pearson Commander "Grace"

Melonseed Skiff "Molly"


Congratulations!  I remember the joy and satisfaction I had when receiving mine.  Do you plan to put it to commercial use or, like me, just wanted the accomplishment and the knowing that you could and have done it?