Catalina 25 "Seol betha" and Capn Jack

Started by seolbetha, January 27, 2006, 01:17:38 PM

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Captn k, 
    We just met about a week in George town.... you had stoped me and asked me what make  my boat was and where my destination was.... Catalina 25 "Seol Betha" on my way to the Napels, FL/Key West, FL.
   I wanted to thank you for the warm welcome and the introduction to Don on the stinkpot headed south also...I have currently stopped in Charlseton SC helping out a couple on their the way to Austriala.
  Just a couple of things aobut the boat if others are curious... she is a 1979 Catalina 25 ... I just bought this past year for a Whopping $450.00!.... I have made some changes to her... I removed the lewmar no#5 winches and replaced them with a set of dual speed parat 45's (8 1/2" base), thre jib sails; storm sail, 120, and a 180. I also have installed a 3 burner propane range top a marine head. I changed the quarter berth from a double to a single, what I had done was made a teak dresser with the other half of the berth so that I had ample room for clothes and storage, I had to make the rudder for the boat because when I bought her it was missing so I did lots of research and decided to make the rudder out of mahgony close to the original design from catalina with a few upgrades, she has a bimini doger top, a honda 4 stroke 9.9 engine, I have enough fule on board to motor 10 hours day if needed for a complete week and a half..
My trip started in Portsmouth VA though I had expected to be much further than I have gotten, the reason being is that I have been so lucky/blessed with the folks that I have met on the way down south... tommorow I plan on heading out and 2 days pulling into Savanah GA and meeting up with Don agian....
The couple on Belle Ille a 35' bentuea on their way to Austriala have offered me a crewing postion with them from the Panama Canal to Austriala...Like I have said this trip has been so GREAT! I  knew that alot would come from making this trip but never did I expect it to be as fantastic as it has been so far and I not even close to being finished with the trip....
  My intentions are to find a 30 to 35 foot blues water cruiser in FL that needs some TLC, and begin circumnavagating the world... no dreams here I am truley living mine.... I hope to see you agian, and hook you up with some brew-hass on me..
Thanks agian for the warm welcome.
   Captain Jack
Seol Betha


Hi Jack,  I have a C25 as well.  They are great boats.  I would like to see pics of your V-birth, it sounds like a great mod.  Cheers.


Hey Jack!

Good to hear from you! Howzit goin? Sounds good! I'd posted a little something about you here already, so I'm glad that you got your info up for folks to read. :) (+ karma lol)

I'll add this, for anyone south of here who might want to keep an eye out for Jack on his way down; "Seolbetha" has a blue hull.

I know Don had some engine problems right before he left, glad those worked out and to hear that he is merrily on his way. Tell him I said "Hi!" next time you see him, too.

Lookin forward to hearing more of your continuing adventures in the future, and who knows, maybe we'll cross wakes again someday soon... :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


As soon as I get down further south Naples.... I will be able to get some photos for you and I would be gladly post them for you ... the one thing that is different than my cat 25 that I have yet to see another yet... though that I know that there is a few of them out there... instead of having the standard two striaght benches or the burger king seating bench... mine is an l shape seating with fixed dinatte table that is large enough for a full size chart... this lay out creates an illusion as if you were in a 30' inside the boat if it wasnt for the headroom, LOL... the modification that I made wasnt in the v berth but in the quarter berth where I build a teak dresser for clothes... I wanted to keep the starboard side in the head open for a sink and shower set with starage... I figured that I was only using half of the qurter berth.... since squezzing under the cockpit flooring just wasnt for me.... I am also looking at installing a 12volt or propane refrigeration system in the boat most likely on the L bench in the center since there is ample room there and I havent even used it...... I dont want to use the ice box considering that it is small and I have been using it for can goods plus it isnt well insulated I would much rater have atleast 4 to 6 inches of insulation for my refrigerator.... considering that helps with battery use under sail for long periods of time. solar panels are on the list also...
  and by the way Cptn K I havent seen Don or heard from him if you hear from him please have him email at seolbetha (at) hotmail. com reason is that is my cell phone got fried about 7 to 8 days ago and I dont have his number so if you can try and contact him with that so we can meet up again...
Cptn Jack
S/V Seol Betha

Edit to protect email from the spam-bots. s/vFaith


Jack -

I'll email you his cell # via hotmail. I haven't heard from him, hope that he is doing OK, tell him I said Hi & that I hope all is going well!

BTW, if you see this in time, remember to give my bud Capt Rick a call whne you get down to St Auggie - he's a good guy, and will tilt a frosty one with you for sure. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)