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Started by matt195583, November 29, 2009, 04:17:34 AM

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Go as soon as possible. Remember no boat is perfect and every boat is a compromise in one area or another. I know right where you are coming from with e loss of a loved one, as I lost my mother, grandfather, and uncle within 17 days of each other a few years back...makes for some tough time for sure. Also as I have worked as a nurse for many years and had a bedside seat for many passing of others loved ones, I can say that I have never seen anyone wish that had worked more at the end of their life. So go now and never look back.
International Man of Leisure

SV Wind Dancer

~not making light of a sad family also has a history of "dying times"...for many years no deaths in the family, then one year when several of us are lost, and often as not, when one partner departs, their spouse follows months later, regardless of excellent health.  In 1993 my father, grandfather and grandmother on my mother's side, two uncles and aunts passed as couples, one aunt and two uncles passed away solo (partners surviving), all within eighteen months...and we haven't had another death in the family since.  It's said it has always happened this way on my father's side of the family.  Besides the personal sorrows, the inevitable numbness and confusion, the financial impact of funerals scattered from Hawaii to Europe is another burden that adds to the feeling of devastation.  More than once I've heard it said with a bit of dark humor at a sad time, that since historically none of us has ever had a reputation of particular holiness, we prefer to distract old Peter and pass the gate by storm~


Good looking boat. I was not expecting to see something that good, but she looks like a good cruiser. If she is that clean in real life, I would make an offer!
When I'm sailing I'm free and the earth does not bind me...


Thankyou all who have commented on this thread with either opinions ideas or even just relating to my situation it is a great help to me both on the boat front and the emotional.

Newt she is clean as a whistle below decks I done a rough add up of all the gear i could think of that isnt listed on any of the other boats of the same make on the market and came up to $15500. thats not taking into account things like the new 2 burner metho stove and the new electric head or the fact that the engine was rebuilt about 200 hours ago or 4 year old sails instead of 25 years old. this boat is listed at 45k the same make is advertised from 25k up with the average being about 30k-35k.
           It is the first boat that i have looked at so I am desperatly trying to convince myself not to get to exited. I am driving 10 hours south this weekend to see some more boats of the same make I have arranged to see 5 in the average price range so i should get a fair idea of relative condition. If things are as I suspect then I will more than likely make an offer on the first boat next week.

Which brings me to the other thing that has been stressing me a bit I am looking at laying out 40k on a boat that will become my home for the next few years or alot longer . I have never lived on a boat before although i did live in a 26 ft caravan for about 6 months and enjoyed it I am just worried that I may be biting off more than i can chew .

Captain Smollett

Quote from: matt195583 on April 07, 2010, 02:55:45 AM

Which brings me to the other thing that has been stressing me a bit I am looking at laying out 40k on a boat that will become my home for the next few years or alot longer . I have never lived on a boat before although i did live in a 26 ft caravan for about 6 months and enjoyed it I am just worried that I may be biting off more than i can chew .

Hi Matt,

Just a couple of quick comments in reply to your last sentence.

Living on a boat is a broad term, so there is a bit of the 'it depends' in answering your concern.  Will you be actively cruising, lying at anchor, in a marina, etc?

I lived in a 19 ft camper (what you would call a caravan  :) ) for a year.  I used this experience to help sell the idea of living aboard to my wife.  I think there are a lot of similarities, both physical and cultural.  By having done that, you've already confronted some of the physical and mental issues that living aboard brings, so the 'shock' will, I think, be less.

Here are some links to my views of the getting used to living aboard.  These threads also contain posts by folks who have lived aboard (longer).

The First Week of Living Aboard
The First Month of Living Aboard
Some comments after the first full year

One of the things that I noticed, and my wife too who was initially very reluctant to try this 'experiment,' in many ways, it's not so different than life ashore.  The logistics are different, but the issues of "life" don't really change that much.  You still have to eat, you want to stay out of bad weather, you have some fun and you have some not-so-fun times.

You'll probably come to dread rain in the forecast.  :)

I would doubt it's more than you can chew.  Like most other things, it is all about attitude.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


Per what I understand a "LiveAboard" is someone who is working and using the boat as an apartment.

"Voyaging" is not intending to work but moving the boat every so often. Like a long vacation or retirement.

One has to adjust to the boat and make the small points what YOU want. Staying coastal where fuel and supplies are a few days or hours away makes a small boat much nicer. Many people have done it in all sizes of boats.

I suggest that you make sure that everything is in GREAT condition or you have the money to replace it at hand and get a good deal on NEW parts. Stuff on a boat really takes a beating after 2 years full time use.  My list of stuff was over 500 items and that is without food.

One step at a time. Make sure you know what you need to replace on the boat before you buy. That says a  lot. Inspect ALL. I have seen way to many people who bought a cheep boat only to get somewhere and not be able to move and have to get a job because of not known expenses. That is part of the game.

Get a camera that can take close ups in good detail with a good flash.

If the boat is to cheep find out why. Buying a boat is like buying a used car. Buyer beware. There is some good deals. One boat appraiser that I knew took over 2 years before finding a good boat that did not need extensive repairs.
MacGregor 26M


thanks again for the replys. In saying live aboard I will have to stay in a marina for 2 years to finish my trade apprenticeship (may finish early) cruising in my holidays,then I hope to have enough $'s to go for at least 6 months of cruising (no work) If that is peachy then I figure I will work for 6 months to a year and then head out for a year or 3..... It all sounds to easy when you say it quick  ;D

What I am more or less stressing about is working while living on the boat ( marina berth-amenities should make that easier). I think I am up to it and love the minamilist lifestyle so hopefully the adjustment period is not to bad.

capt'n S I will check out those threads you sent me

Lynx this one isnt a cheapie it is the dearest boat of that make on the market.  But it is set up. the guy has lived on it for 10 years . I added up about $15000 worth of stuff I would want on a boat that is on this one and not on others so being 7000-10000 above the average price is not so bad with all that stuff taken into account not to mention the time and work involved in installing all the gear. I listed some of the stuff earlier in this thread.


Also when I opened any hatch / locker on this boat there was gear in there but it was spotless I could not find any obvouse faults . I intend to go back after this weekend with Dan's mini survey and go over it with a fine tooth comb if all is well I will make an offer subject to an out of water survey (survey mainly for insurance, peice of mind too).

One other thing that I thought of last night after reading this thread. The last time i saw my dad before he had his stroke and lost the ability to comunicate. I was talking to him about buying my 22 footer. He told me I was mad and that "dont waste your money on that, at least  buy one that you can live on" . i think it is kind of fitting that I will do exactly that with the money I will inherite from dad.

Mum on the other hand hates the idea she seems to be under the impression that I am going to take $40000 and blow it , never to be seen again. although I try'd to explain to her that even if i hate it i can always sell the boat and still have a sizeable deposit for a house or what ever mind numbing liberty shackling junk other people keep telling me to spend the money on. I for one am not at all inclined to buy a house and be a slave to the system for the rest of my life.

Cmdr Pete

Sounds like you have the right attitude Matt.

I know I'll never live on a boat. I just don't have that burning desire.

I think many people buy a liveaboard because they think life will be easier and cheaper that way. Which, of course, it won't be. I suspect you need not only wanderlust, but a willingness to endure nearly any form of discomfort to live the life aquatic.
1965 Pearson Commander "Grace"

Melonseed Skiff "Molly"


It looks like you are going in the right direction. I hope it works out for you. You may want to have a shore side locker while you are working. It would have helped me.

It is  lot different living on a boat than on land. I may move back for the experience and cost savings.

Fair winds, James "Lynx"
MacGregor 26M


Good luck with the inspection... I hope she turns out as well as you hope... :)

Quote from: matt195583 on April 08, 2010, 03:32:51 AM
Also when I opened any hatch / locker on this boat there was gear in there but it was spotless I could not find any obvouse faults . I intend to go back after this weekend with Dan's mini survey and go over it with a fine tooth comb if all is well I will make an offer subject to an out of water survey (survey mainly for insurance, peice of mind too).

One other thing that I thought of last night after reading this thread. The last time i saw my dad before he had his stroke and lost the ability to comunicate. I was talking to him about buying my 22 footer. He told me I was mad and that "dont waste your money on that, at least  buy one that you can live on" . i think it is kind of fitting that I will do exactly that with the money I will inherite from dad.

Mum on the other hand hates the idea she seems to be under the impression that I am going to take $40000 and blow it , never to be seen again. although I try'd to explain to her that even if i hate it i can always sell the boat and still have a sizeable deposit for a house or what ever mind numbing liberty shackling junk other people keep telling me to spend the money on. I for one am not at all inclined to buy a house and be a slave to the system for the rest of my life.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


The inspection went really well. We went for a test sail all was well everything functioned as it should. One thing is the noise from the prop shaft . The owner says the noise is coming from the cutlass bearing as a result of there being anti foul in the cooling grooves therefore making it wear. would this be a do it ASAP job or as the owner says change it at the next slipping date ?

Also thanks to various government departments i cant actually make an offer on this boat for a month or two yet. heres to hoping she doesn't sell.


Well things have changed for me yet again. this time taking a really really really cool angle. I am now sitting at my desk in my hut at a mine in Karratha AU . I will be earning some really good money here with about 5 months work here at this stage . 4 weeks on 2 weeks off . so 2 out of every 6 weeks I can  play in my Catalina 22 . and at the end of it I will have no debt and 10-15 more boat bucks to play with  :D


sounds great. Have fun
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Well life has been interesting lately. I sold my catalina 22  :'( . but on the upside I have found a 30 footer that I would like to buy, I have been over it with a fine tooth comb and beleive it represents good value. But it is about 1400 mile from home ..... I have got a few quotes to truck it and the average is about $6500  :o that is not an option. the other option is to sail up the coast , I know a guy who lived on the same make boat for 10 years and he reckons 15 days would be a safe guestimation on time . I can get the time off work ..

She has 2 full sets of sails all lines led aft storm sails furler and some 2 auto pilots ..

My question is would i be mad to buy a boat (with survey ) and plan to sail 1400 miles as a maiden voyage ?


Quote from: matt195583 on September 10, 2010, 08:06:52 AM

My question is would i be mad to buy a boat (with survey ) and plan to sail 1400 miles as a maiden voyage ?

I'd say no, why do you even ask? ;)

When Laura and I got Tehani, we drove to New York and trailered her home. We'd only seen pics. Then we rebuilt and launched- on a Tuesday. We left for a 1500 mile round trip that THURSDAY!! Had never had the sails up.

So, of course, I'd say- go for it if the boat is what you want. You can always stop along the way, leave the boat, then come back.

Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Captain Smollett

Quote from: matt195583 on September 10, 2010, 08:06:52 AM

My question is would i be mad to buy a boat (with survey ) and plan to sail 1400 miles as a maiden voyage ?

Given this comment,


I have been over it with a fine tooth comb

That's the kicker.  If you REALLY have been thoroughly over the boat, and with a critical eye (ie, not the eye if a 'potential buyer who wants a boat'), and have done a real assessment of the current condition of the boat, then you know the answer to your question better than we do.

Is the boat REALLY ready for such a trip?  Do you trust the surveyor?

I'm reminded of MANY stories in magazines and on the 'Net of delivery not properly equipped, crew not ready, etc.

Is it 1400 miles on the open sea?  Coastal hopping?  Something akin to our 'running the ditch?'

Also, 1400 miles in 15 days is certainly do-able, but how tight is that schedule?  It seems a little on the optimistic side to me, and gives little in the way of 'safety margin.' Do you (or your crew) really HAVE to be back in 15 days, or is there some wiggle room (like and 5 days or so, at least).

Sailing or motoring?  If sailing, the time depends on the weather.  If motoring, what happens to your schedule if you have an unexpected failure on a (to-you) untested engine?

Schedules and sail boats don't mix; having external pressures to 'get there' pushes us to make poor, imprudent decisions.  If your schedule is sufficiently flexible that the 15 days is a "non-critical target just for planning," no problem.

Just my thoughts...I don't think you'd be mad to do it, but with a boat you are unfamiliar with, safety margin comes from having several layers of contingency plans; don't assume the trip will go 'smoothly' (though it might).

In other words, "luck favors the prepared."    ;D
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


thanks charlie and capn S ,
the 15 days is the estimated sea time ( coastal hopping ) I was figuring on taking 2 months off work a week either end and 6 weeks to make the sail ..... work is pretty flexible and i reckon if i found my way home after 4 weeks i could go back to work and save the extra 4 weeks off .
so i have accounted for plenty of time to make the trip , the thing that gets me is that i havent sailed "outside" before . I spoke to an old family friend who has sailed and raced lots and he reckons it its an easy sail ..... "just keep australia to you port side and you'll be right " .......

I am pretty keen to make the shift aboard and am a firm believer that you will never learn to swim in the shallow end .... all advice is much appreciated guys.... me thinks its time to make an offer .... ;D


Hi, I ditto the answers you've got. Couldn't you start with a weekend trip or so, where she is?

I am not all that happy taking off for a passage right away with a boat that's completely new to me. On the other hand I have done it, including a few deliveries... ;)

Good luck with the offer and what follows it!  ;D
s/v  Nanna
Southern Cross 35' Cutter in French Polynesia
H-boat 26' - Sweden



I'm with MaxiSwede on this one: Take a short shake-down cruise before trying a long trip.

But, more important, best of luck with the offer. Sounds like a sound move, and it could be the beginning of a new phase in your life.

"What a greate matter it is to saile a shyppe or goe to sea"
--Capt. John Smith, 1627