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My master piece

Started by evantica, February 17, 2010, 04:34:11 AM

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Quote from: s/v necessity on February 02, 2012, 01:07:16 PM
Meh, I was liking "chain hole" :)  If you get really concerned about not knowning something in english, just insert the word "Thingamabob" after the term you are uncertain about, that makes it official.  As in "the chain hole thingamabob".  Atleast here in the midwest it works ;)

If you need to be really specific about a part name, you can use "thingamajiggy".......  ;D
Alice has escaped....... on the Bandersnatch....... with.. the Vorpal sword....


I'm in a bit of a worrie... My "doghouse" isn't going well >:( will probably need to do a mold first ??? My question: Is it good/smart/strong enough if, I do it in  plywood and then polyester/plast it in and keep the plywood underneath? would be a lot easier to do it all in place, instead of ripping it of from the Ply. what you think???


Tuesday morning at my homeport at R??...
some have left their boat in the water over winter...= regrets?


Here's an ocean ready IF...this will be my "thingamajuggy ;D model.


My ongoing "luck" is still with me ;) and I feel fine...Got my hands on a stove today, cheep ;D anyone know what model/brand? I don't know and the seller didn't either???
but it's functional!


I'm guessing (based on how it looks in the pic) that the central knob is a pump handle to pressurize the fuel tank, and it burns either alcohol or kero?
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


It looks like a kerosene (fotogen) burner that you need to preheat with meths (r?dsprit). If you can find spare parts and get it to function reliably it is probably the best stove you can have and it looks in good condition.
May your good fortune continue all the way to the Azores!
I look for subtle places, beaches, riversides and the ocean's lazy tides.
I don't want to be in races, I'm just along for the ride.


Site called basecamp.UK has spare parts for kero burners. I order from them. Don't have the exact url on this Iphone.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Alice has escaped....... on the Bandersnatch....... with.. the Vorpal sword....


Thanks. I'm somewhere in Louisiana on a delivry (Ohlsen 38) and only have the Iphone
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Thank's  friends, so glad you're "out there"...Here's nothing like SailFar friends in Sweden (not to me anyhow ;))...will see if the mail man bring my stove tommorow?!
oh... almost forgot... ;) speak of luck... I trade my Fishing stick (thingamajiggy)? for a 4HP Cresent outborder engine... it will do for now :D


There was a "price" for my good luck :'( I feel I have to share it with someone... After 15 years, me and my wife shall divorce...This is not an ugly divorce, we both agree this was the best conclusion. but I feel sad today...
need your support if possible. feels like you sailfar'er are my only true friends right now...


I understand totally. Laura and i seperated after 20 years, six months ago.

I'm still a sad.

Very best wishes to you and her for good future lives. You won't get over it for a good while, but it gets somewhat easier with time.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Quote from: CharlieJ on February 16, 2012, 01:52:29 PM
I understand totally. Laura and i seperated after 20 years, six months ago.

I'm still a sad.

Very best wishes to you and her for good future lives. You won't get over it for a good while, but it gets somewhat easier with time.
Thanks Charlie, It was warming to hear from you, I'm not thought's back to you to charlie.


Charlie & Ntica, it's a trying experience... I've been divorced now for 15 years, long enough to heal, but it took a long time. Loss, emptyness, sense of distrust over promises not kept, all those things piled up to haunt my thoughts in quiet moments of desperation in the still of the night.
If there is any good news, it's that time heals the aching heart. In the interim, hard work (to keep the mind occupied), exercise (to exhaust the body, should sleep be otherwise difficult), & doing volunteer work (just to have some kind of social activity) all can contribute to maintaining your sanity.
After years of attempting to date, trying to meet a nice lady, I have decided that the next love in my life is likely to be 32' long & ketch-rigged. It doesn't mean that there can never be anyone else in my life, just that I'm going to go on about the business of living without fretting about finding someone.
Having a goal in mind helps. And Ntica, you've commented from time to time about your English... from my standpoint, since it's about communicating, I find your writing eminently readable, with hints of your personality shining through. Please feel free to stay in touch!
1977 Nordica 20 Sloop
It may be the boat I stay with for the rest of my days, unless I retire to a cruising/liveaboard life.
1979 Southcoast Seacraft 26A
Kinda up for sale.


I'm so thankfull for your comments... and in this darkness I see some light.
And I have a dream to fullfill and this occupie my awaking time, or most of it anyway. I will (don't know if I mention it?) I will move aboard Celeste in a near future...Once again Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A grog for ya!
Just hang in there, & stay in touch!
1977 Nordica 20 Sloop
It may be the boat I stay with for the rest of my days, unless I retire to a cruising/liveaboard life.
1979 Southcoast Seacraft 26A
Kinda up for sale.


I'm very sorry to hear that, Ntica,

My divorce became final a little over a year ago. It was a dark time for a long while. But life goes on and slowly improves. I'm probably happier now than I was before everything fell apart; although it was a long hard road getting here. Hang in there.

You, too, Charlie. I didn't know and am more than a little shocked. All the best to you.
Bayfield 29 "Seeker"
Middle River, Chesapeake Bay


Hang in there Ntica!

Wife and I separted about 2 yrs ago although we have not filed for divorce its over(we are lazy).  It was also a mutual decision and a little easier when its on good terms. Keep your spirts up and the initial shock will end and your new journey will start.
International Man of Leisure


It strengthen me to see and feel I'm not alone.  And I must say it does not hurt "that" much, coz' we both agree. -sure there is highs and lows but...- There is no "other" part involved.  It's just the end of the road for us as a couple.
Hope to get out on the seven seas in a near future, think that's the real medicine for healing.
thank you all for your kindness!