Looking for advice on first real sailing trip

Started by Bonzai, December 25, 2010, 01:20:10 PM

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Hey guys.
   Have thoroughly enjoyed my visits to your amazing gallery.I am awestruck by alot of what i have seen there,fantastic job!
   I am planning my first saltwater trip,to the Fl. Keys area,as soon as the weather/water looks warm enough for snorkeling and diving.My wife and I will be aboard (hopefully) a new to us 1974 Bayfield 25, if the boat checks out good when i see it Jan.3rd.My sailing thus far has been simple and close to home.I am a pretty much self taught and am wondering what i really need to know before going on this trip.I dont want to put us in the "deer in the headlights" situation by being ignorant and over-confident,and would like very much to hear from sailors with much more experience concerning what is needed knowledgewise to safely navigate a trip up and down the Keys.Also any otherwise needed things...want the wife to feel like we are on vacation instead of a survival mission...lol!Prolly be going sometime between mid-January and first of April...whenever is best.Thanks!


Have fun.    Explorer chart booklets are hard to beat. Lots of detail and other info. Get a cruising guide as well for anchorages,bridge info and tons more (eateries, mechanics etc) Your boat is shoal draft...you'll do fine. Don't miss happy hour at sunset at the Lora Li bar.
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Thanks Frank,will do!Am going to try to keep a good photo narrative of what should prove to be a veritable comedy of errors ... ;D Will gladly display my inevitable mistakes alongside any unexpected triumphs upon our safe return!Appreciate the advice and will follow it.Cya out there someday!

Pappy Jack

You're going to have a blast! I did this rout many decades ago in a Venture of Newport (a B-25 wannabe) and is a good learning area for cruising. I'd love to go back and do it again just to see what has changed.

Fair winds,

Pappy Jack


Thanks Pap...I can hardly wait to get started!I can let u know when the date gets firmed up and maybe cyu there!


Be sure to post many pics of your trip. 

I sailed on Christmas day, myself.  Hopefully, next weekend, too.

Have Fun!
Sundance 23 - inSanity