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New build 28

Started by Sunset, February 05, 2012, 10:10:57 AM

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Not specifically. I have used their other epoxy hardeners with good luck, however, and consider them to be high quality.
Bayfield 29 "Seeker"
Middle River, Chesapeake Bay


We have got our 28 building move to a new shop and are finally getting going again. It has been touch and go lately weather to continue or sell and buy a classic plastic. I lost 3 years of building time because of life and building two houses. All along I keep getting older and we are still not out there. I keep looking at old Pearsons, Tartons and Catalinas thinking a paint job and updating would be much easier, concerning I have two more years before SS. I am going on a long two year cruise then even if it is on my catalina 22!!!!!!!! I am confused on what I want, any thoughts and ideas are welcome.

84 Islander 28


What was your dream when you started the build?
Did you want to get away cheaper, make a better boat than you could buy or do you just like building things?
I look for subtle places, beaches, riversides and the ocean's lazy tides.
I don't want to be in races, I'm just along for the ride.


Remember the dream, don't loose site of where you want to go and what you want to do.
s/v Wave Dancer
a 1979 27' Cherubini Hunter
Any sail boat regardless of size is a potential world cruiser, but a power boat is nothing more than a big expense at the next fuel dock


Anyone...I mean ANYONE...that has done a major restoration or build has wondered "what da &%#@ have I got into?' at some point.

The estimated time is typically 1/4 of actual......dollars about the same....

Best advice is to be totally honest with yourself....  Forget about what anyone will say, think or do. How do YOU feel?
Do you still have the drive? The time? Most it still FUN for you?

What are your realistic timelines? What do you hope to do?

Only you can answer these questions....just honest with yourself.

Building boats or major restorations typically don't save money over getting a good deal on a well found, well loved used boat.
Simple fact....

Do you enjoy the process....or are overwhelmed by it? Is it fun...or not?
You have the time...or ???

Been there....

If I was Buddhist...I'd say "meditate on it"   

Your dream....your work....your time....your $$$.....your call...

I often look forward to what I hope to do ...then think...what do I have to do "now" to get there...

What ever ya do......enjoy yourself.

God made small boats for younger boys and older men


I do enjoy building, also restoring. The main reason I started this was that I liked building along with I wanted a catketch. There are very few used catketchs out there to pick from. Mostly because the rig is so misunderstood.
I am going to keep working on it while make up my mind on what to do. It's easy sometimes to say, just sell the bare hull and move on. Then I go out and look at the beautiful lines the designer made and think there is no way I can walk away from this!
Right now I am glassing the inside of the bare hull. The sole frames and structural bulkheads come next. So I think I will just keep at it until I can come to my senses.

84 Islander 28


Scott - I wonder if a little help and another pair of hands might make things a lot easier/more motivational for you? Either an oldster from the local harbor/boatyard, or a young'un who has boating/cruising dreams, someone who can/does share the dream you have visualized, and help you get through some of the drudge work at a reasonable price? Like maybe they get a Catalina 22 out of the deal when you take off cruising? :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


A good friend sailed a "cat ketch sharpie" back in the 70's and early 80's. It had twin for each mast. When we tacked...the forward board had to be raised. A great shoal water boat and SUPER fast on a reach or run!

Keep at er.....have fun!!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Some Dreams are not meant to be! they are meant to stay dreams!!!! Not to say that dreams don't drive us they do! The folks that can discern what dreams should stay dreams are way ahead in the game.
I emailed the Very talented designer and told him I was walking away from the build.
84 Islander 28


Sorry to hear that Scott. But yeah, sometimes it's best to step away.

Good luck in future
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


This hull is for sell, it would be very nice for the right person. Its glassed inside and out and ready for the guts. The designer has told me he would work with a new owner.

84 Islander 28