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Signature lines

Started by Captain Smollett, July 20, 2006, 11:10:06 PM

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Captain Smollett

I've been quoting this all over the 'Net (including Tuesday's chat :)  ):

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Man, what a great line.  Now I should be able to remember who to credit it to.  (sorry, I've just been saying "as seen on
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain

s/v Faith

I saw Tim's signature on his Classic Plastic's forum

QuoteIt's not how many ideas you's how many you make happen.

I like that.  ;D
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


 I was cleaning out old e-mails and came across this.I may well have stolen it here to send to a friend...if (and grog) to who ever posted it 1st.... but figure it is so good it's worthy of a possible re-post
"You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy." - Eric Hoffer
  "Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of
life, and the labors of life reduce themselves." - Edwin Way Teale
  "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo DaVinci
  "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more
  violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in
  the opposite direction." - E.F. Schumacker

   "We don't need to increase our goods nearly as much as we need to scale
  down our wants. Not wanting something is as good as possessing it." -
  Donald Horban
"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the
  necessary may speak." - Hans Hofmann, Introduction to the Bootstrap, 1993

"You know you have reached perfection of design not when you have nothing
  more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge." - Winston Churchill

God made small boats for younger boys and older men

s/v Faith

Good stuff Frank. 

  I had not heard this one before;

Quote"Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge." - Winston Churchill
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Pappy Jack


Words to live by.  Here's a simple grog fer ya ;D ;D ;D.

Fair winds,

Pappy Jack


Just a quick ramble. I know and have delt with a lot of people in business over the years. In conversations..."ALL" reflect back at their happiest times being starting out. There was 'the challenge', but the rest of their life was very uncomplicated.There was no extra money to buy 'stuff'. Their time off was spent doing simple things that their meager funds allowed.As their business's did their responsibilities and their pocessions.Pocessioons grew...spare time diminished...often to the point of affording the pocessions...but not the time to use them.Ultimately..the pocessions owned them. ALL wish for a return to a 'simpler life' with more 'time' and less worries. In the end...thats all we really have is time.
      I truely respect the Pardey's...not just for their sailing accomplishments, but more so for the concious choices they have made in their lives to NOT get too caught up in the material world...but to truely 'experience the world'.Their cruises have been open ended, unplanned and with lots of time to get to know other cultures along the way.Wealth and pocessions were'nt the concern.
       In the end...who is 'wealthier' ? 

Quote from: stardust/eric
if you get to do with your boat what I did with mine, that cant be replaced by all the money in the world
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


It may well be an exercise in the egocentric but when a huge power-polluter churns by with once a month users aboard, I often think of a line from,

Quote. . . nature hangs out a sign of simplicity in the face of a fool.

Edit to fix quote tag.
"The great secret that all old people share
is that you really haven't changed . . .
Your body changes, but you don't change at all.
And that, of course, causes great confusion." . . . Doris Lessing

Shipscarver - Cape Dory 27

s/v Faith

Just saw this one;

QuoteI prefer a sailboat to a motorboat, and it is my belief that boat sailing is a finer, more difficult, and sturdier art than running a motor.
--- Jack London
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Quote from: s/v Faith on September 02, 2008, 03:22:43 PM
Just saw this one;

QuoteI prefer a sailboat to a motorboat, and it is my belief that boat sailing is a finer, more difficult, and sturdier art than running a motor.
--- Jack London

And here's a shot of the "Snark"

"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


No matter how tough of a situation you think you're in.....just imagine.....

"what would Ernest Shackleton do?"

He was the ultimate small boat voyager!

s/v Faith

Too true;

"Be careful who you talk to about your sailing plans. Those who have abandoned their dreams will try to destroy yours."

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.

Pappy Jack


I know what you mean. I told a few people about "The Scoot" and that I was planning to go on it. One said I should be on the look out for pirates(she was serious). I showed a chart to another. He noticed how deep the ocean is and asked,"aren't you afraid of deep water?". I said I was only conserened about the top 6' or so ::). And on it goes. If the nay sayers can talk you out of something you weren't probably motivated enough in the first place.

Fair winds,

Pappy Jack

Bill NH

"The years thunder by.  The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience.  Before you know it the tomb is sealed.  Which shall it be, bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life?"

Sterling Hayden (a great schoonerman long before he started acting)
125' schooner "Spirit of Massachusetts" and others...


"Wind is to us what money is to life on shore."
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


Not really small boat related, but one that has stuck with me since college. Found it written on a coffee stained napkin

"Love may not make the world go 'round, but its keeps your mind off the nausea caused by its spinning!"
s/v "Aquila"
1967 Albin Vega #176

Joe Pyrat

Found this written inside a book of matches back in the 60's...

You only have two problems in life.
Are you sick or are you well?

If you are well you don't have any problems.
If you are sick you only have two problems.
Are you going to live or are you going to die?

If you are going to live you don't have any problems.
If you are going to die you only have two problems.
Are you going to heaven or heck?

If you are going to heaven you don't have any problems.
If you are going to heck you won't have time to have any problems,
you'll be too busy shaking hands with all your old friends.
Joe Pyrat

Vendee Globe Boat Name:  Pyrat

s/v Faith

Seen elsewhere;

QuoteWe shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
T.S. Eliot
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Quote from: s/v Faith on March 11, 2009, 10:56:54 AM
Seen elsewhere;

QuoteWe shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
T.S. Eliot

This one I totally dig
No placebos for me, I prefer to cheat

Captain Smollett

Not a signature line, but I saw this quote today on a fishing forum.  The quote came from an older fisherman that said it to the poster when he was about 10 years old.


"When you learn from someone else, that knowledge does not belong to you, it belongs to the next person that needs it."

S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain

s/v Faith

Just saw this on the Classic Plastic forum;

Quote"The more you know, the less you need."
Yvon Chouinard

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.