Introductions / How did you find

Started by CapnK, December 18, 2005, 11:18:11 PM

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Howdy Stuart- Welcome aboard.

Your cruises in Nano DEFINITELY fit the LDSB criteria

Folks- here's a shot of Nano at anchor, set up for overnighting aboard.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Pappy Jack

Welcome aboard,

Looking out after your mom, eh? Well, good on ya and a ration of grog for being a good son! I know what it's like. My wife and I are taking care of her father(alzheimers) for the last year and a half. We hope that she recovers and comes back to her old self.

Fair winds and full sails,

Pappy Jack



Being a caregiver can be a really hard thing... it is a labor of love.  Grog to you both.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


Hi Stuart -

Grog! Glad to have you and Nano here!

(BTW - I think you now have the "sailFar Smallest Cruising Boat" record. But - you're used to that, I guess... ;D )
Please Buy My Boats. ;)

s/v Faith

Welcome to all the new members!

  Glad to have you on our little press gang aboard!   ;D
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


hI Capn ...New to this site.I trying to figure way to post.Im also new to sailing and just trying to hook up with some guys that may help me find the rigth boat at the rigth time..hawkster


Gooday Gents and Ladies- Grog to you all ! Now if I could just figure out how to give it to you (more on that later)
My name is Mark, I'm a doctor in real life but play a sailor on the water. ::) I found this site by buying a Com-Pac and then joining the owners site- this one seems to be connected in some way. ;D
Just remember when you see my posts that:
My normal environment is the hospital, so sometimes I say things that don't quite match up with the mariner language...but I have sailed enough to know where my heart is, and I will circumnavigate someday.
I can tell the storm direction and face it with the best of them, but sometimes I can't navigate a I can't find the grog button on my screen. ( I wonder if it because I use Ubuntu for a OS, and maybe it doesn't support it?)
But enough of that- I am just happy to talk to you all! Your a great bunch, and you have helped me with my sailing already.
BTW, I sail my Com-Pac out of the Great Salt Lake, and will gladly meet anyone at my marina  for a sail in water twice as salty as the ocean!
All the best,
When I'm sailing I'm free and the earth does not bind me...

s/v Faith

Ahoy Newt!

  The grog button is a deceptively dangerous little bit, located to the port side of your screen under a user's name... I just gave your's a toggle... hope you are not on call....   ;D to give them out just click 'grog' (or lashes) under the member's name PRN.....  ;D

  Glad to have you aboard!

... on edit... the reason you probably could not see it was that youwere looking at the screen next to your ownname...  Can't self administer grog... sound familiar?    :o ;D :D ;) :) ;) :D ;D
Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.


Ahoy Faith!
I really think I don't see it, everything around the user name gets me into their profile or it is a button to send them a private message. Thank you for the Grog my friend, I am humbled by your well wishes. I guess this is like troubleshooting the nav lights- at night while their not working.... ;D
I really don't care as long as we are sailing...
BTW- call is tomorrow, then next day is sailing PRN.
When I'm sailing I'm free and the earth does not bind me...

Captain Smollett


If you look at Faith's username, do you not see two little links right under where it shows his "karrrrrma"?

Is this what you see?

Using Ubuntu should not matter.  Quite a few of us are running Linux.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


fascinating...(to quote Spock)
No all I see is his name, then stars, then Karma then directly underneath it the little online thingy. And it is the same in the Com-Pac owners group too. Your cut and paste with the "grog" and "Lashes" is not on my screen but it is on the small example that you put on your message.
That is wild... I wonder if I have to download something for this to work. Thanks for the effort, but maybe its just my old OS.. I am running Edgy. I have nodiced others with the same question, maybe a few of us were just born to lurk :o
This does have a good side- you can abuse me all you want and I can't vote back! Ha!
When I'm sailing I'm free and the earth does not bind me...

Captain Smollett

Quote from: newt on April 21, 2008, 11:36:42 PM

No all I see is his name, then stars, then Karma then directly underneath it the little online thingy. And it is the same in the Com-Pac owners group too. Your cut and paste with the "grog" and "Lashes" is not on my screen but it is on the small example that you put on your message.

That is wild... I wonder if I have to download something for this to work.

You should not have to download anything, but do you by any chance have javascript disabled in your browser?  That link (and some others on the site) require js to work properly.

At least that's my best guess at this point.


Thanks for the effort, but maybe its just my old OS.. I am running Edgy.

Really, that should be fine.  I won't embarrass myself and mention some of the Even Older OS's I've used with SailFar.  It's all just web stuff - html, css and javascript.  Anything produced in the last 8-10 years should work, and Edgy is newer than that.

Edit: No, it's not javascript.  I just disabled js on my end and grog link worked fine.
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


I wonder how come we haven't met?  That's closer to 4 times as much salt as the ocean...Makes GSL sailers pretty much the saltiest sailors on earth....In fact it sez that on the back of my Yacht club card.....Right now I don't have a boat in the water in GSL but my Triton is in Berekely ready to go and I'll be there for a couple of weeks starting next Monday....Gonna do the Vallejo sail-in overnite BBQ/drunk. At the marinia I hang out on K dock most of the time and am known as Tequila Jim.
I drive a little white Ford Ranger that sez on the back something to the effect that I would rather have a daughter working in a Nevada cathouse than a son playing for BYU... Go Utes.....  Hey Texas, how bout them Jazz.....TJim


Hi Jim,
I think we have met, along time ago I came over and gawked at your Triton while you were fixing it up when it was on the hard. I think you gave me an old nautical chart of the Great Salt Lake, which I still have. I just have my boat up at Antelope Island Marina, where my 2 foot 3 inch draft works. Plus, I am not much of a party animal, which makes Antelope Island with the wind and the no people work even better for me.
(for those just listening in Jim's marina and mine are about 35nm apart)
When I'm sailing I'm free and the earth does not bind me...


Guess what!
I got on my work computer and the grog and lashes thing works now! I can't wait to get home to see if it works there too. And to all of you that have been so patient with me- Grog to you all!
Newt ;D
When I'm sailing I'm free and the earth does not bind me...


Relatively new member checking in.  I'd sworn off forums as I've found most to contain a clique of 'royalty' that tend to be condescending and even berate new fantastic dreamers.  Sailfar however seems to project a humble and helpful attitude which I hope to be a part of.
About 7 months ago I bought a Yankee 30 which I'm refitting for a cruise from the Pacific NW to the Sea of Cortez, Central America, S. Pacific and hopefully beyond.  I've been sailing 3-5 times a week and hard at work ticking off the projects, some of which include:
repaired about 14-16 blisters, bottom paint/zincs, did a temporary drill and fill of wet deck, cutless bearing, new shaft, toerail fix, running rigging, mast partner, re backed all stanchions and deck hardware, spinnaker pole track, mainsail track repair, rudder post bearing install, rig tune, etc. 
I've done all work myself as I'm on a small budget.  The previous list is only a drop in the bucket of what I've done and have left to do.  I hope to be able to gain some knowledge from all of you and give back what I can from my own experiences.
Yankee 30 #73 w/ a burning desire to sail
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea." -Alain Gerbault


Welcome Aboard WF,
This is one of the friendliest most helpful crowds I have ever fell in with.  As the PNW is a favorite of mine, I would love to here more about your boat and cruising, perhaps some pictures too.
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


Thanks Tim.  I'll happily share what I can and add pictures.
I'm originally from the South - NOLA and the sailing here is fantastic, I love the Puget Sound, at least in the winter - sailing conditions are ideal.  Only been here since last summer.
Yankee 30 #73 w/ a burning desire to sail
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea." -Alain Gerbault



We sailed down the West Coast and are now in the Sea of Cortez. Be careful, we planned to spend 3 months in Mexico. We are at 4 years and will be heading to the mainland soon. Have not made it there YET!

The Sea of Cortez is WONDERFUL!

Greg & Jll Delezynski
Nor'Sea27 Guenevere

s/v Faith

Quote from: WF on May 01, 2008, 05:28:15 PM
Relatively new member checking in.  I'd sworn off forums as I've found most to contain a clique of 'royalty' that tend to be condescending and even berate new fantastic dreamers.  Sailfar however seems to project a humble and helpful attitude which I hope to be a part of. .....

I've been sailing 3-5 times a week and hard at work ticking off the projects........


  Can't stand to see a man with an empty cup... your first one is on me.  ;D

Have had about enough with that crowd you refer to myself... maybe something about the smaller boats, but we do have a pretty good crew here.  Glad you found us, look forward to hearing more about your boat and adventures.

Satisfaction is wanting what you already have.