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Started by CapnK, December 18, 2005, 11:18:11 PM

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Oh Dnice!!! That picture is too, too funny! Thanks for the chuckle!  :D

I think I am officially fixated on the Walker Bay 10' in case anyone wants to come "ride" with me while I'm out rowing.

So here's the thing. After reading through the whole thread on sailing folks trying to figure out the best dinghy for their mother ship and where and how to stash the dinghy, I'm thinking that somewhere on the World Wide Web, there's gotta be a forum for people who are talking just as intently about how to drive their dinghies to the water. Car top or trailer? I'm leaning towards car top. You should have seen the automated car top rigging system I saw from Western Australia. Fancy schmancy.

If you know of such a forum, please holler in my direction...

~ Suzie B. ~


#1. A big thank you to all of you sailor folks at for your interesting stories. I have been on boats of different sizes before but have never gone sailing; I think I am starting to appreciate the passion that you all have for being out on the open seas. What a different life you get to experience vs. that of us landlubbers.

#2. Reading through several pages of different forums on this site got me thinking about forums on other sites. Whoda thunk that Walker Bay has its own forum? Three cheers for forums!!

#3. I had promised myself a walk on the beach or somewhere this afternoon because it's the first day since finishing my huge brain-sucking culminating project for a master's degree. Instead I ended up reading most of Dan Kim's blog and crying over the incredibly sweet story of his too short time with Gee. I think I'll take that walk on Friday instead. And I'm going rowing on Monday (taking the day off), which is when they have a special daily rate on rowboat rentals.

Happy Sailing All of You!
~ Suzie B. ~


Quote from: Luv2Row on April 22, 2009, 04:59:59 PM
Oh Dnice!!! That picture is too, too funny! Thanks for the chuckle!  :D

I think I am officially fixated on the Walker Bay 10' in case anyone wants to come "ride" with me while I'm out rowing.

So here's the thing. After reading through the whole thread on sailing folks trying to figure out the best dinghy for their mother ship and where and how to stash the dinghy, I'm thinking that somewhere on the World Wide Web, there's gotta be a forum for people who are talking just as intently about how to drive their dinghies to the water. Car top or trailer? I'm leaning towards car top. You should have seen the automated car top rigging system I saw from Western Australia. Fancy schmancy.

If you know of such a forum, please holler in my direction...

~ Suzie B. ~

Would it be possible to store the boat at the lake? if they have rental boats... just talk to the manager and see. or if its not a rental type of lake, find the owner and ask if you can chain it to a tree.

The 8' WB only weighs 70lbs I think you can do it :)  Using the car for leverage you'll only have to lift about 70-80% of the weight. Or you could put a winch on the front of the car (or use a come-a-long) to drag the boat up the back of the car onto the roof. and pull it off the same way, keeping tension on the line to keep it from falling.  The same way that aussie boatloader did it, but without the machinery and a little more muscle :p
(I think the 10' is 120lbs)

option 3: find a cheap jetski trailer! or a small flatbed trailer and just use a couple of 2x4's for the boat to sit on.
It doesn't really matter what size trailer, the smaller the better the boat can hang off the back of it quite a bit. I think the walker bays come with a built in wheel on the keel which would come in handy no matter which way you do it.

Thats the best I can come up with :) Good luck!


Hey Suzie B..

If you're ever up in my neck of the woods, you're welcome to come out sailing and enjoy a bbq with us on the s/v Pretty Gee. :) I'm hoping to launch the boat this weekend...

Congratulations on the Master's project... what is your Master's degree in???

Quote from: Luv2Row on April 22, 2009, 08:26:06 PM
#1. A big thank you to all of you sailor folks at for your interesting stories. I have been on boats of different sizes before but have never gone sailing; I think I am starting to appreciate the passion that you all have for being out on the open seas. What a different life you get to experience vs. that of us landlubbers.

#2. Reading through several pages of different forums on this site got me thinking about forums on other sites. Whoda thunk that Walker Bay has its own forum? Three cheers for forums!!

#3. I had promised myself a walk on the beach or somewhere this afternoon because it's the first day since finishing my huge brain-sucking culminating project for a master's degree. Instead I ended up reading most of Dan Kim's blog and crying over the incredibly sweet story of his too short time with Gee. I think I'll take that walk on Friday instead. And I'm going rowing on Monday (taking the day off), which is when they have a special daily rate on rowboat rentals.

Happy Sailing All of You!
~ Suzie B. ~

s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


Howdy Dan!

My master's degree is in Library & Information Science. Are you in the Boston area? Thanks for the invitation. I hope you have great weather to go sailing in this coming weekend.

Quote from: AdriftAtSea on April 22, 2009, 10:34:02 PM
Hey Suzie B..

If you're ever up in my neck of the woods, you're welcome to come out sailing and enjoy a bbq with us on the s/v Pretty Gee. :) I'm hoping to launch the boat this weekend...

Congratulations on the Master's project... what is your Master's degree in???



Weather is supposed to be in the 80s. :)  July has arrived early. :)
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


I know some of you on this site have been sailing since you were knee high to grasshoppers, but what about the newbies to sailing who might not understand all the specialized vocabulary being used? I think it would be great to either A) have a dictionary of sailing/boating/nautical terms (plus idioms and sailing slang) somewhere on the site or B) have links to websites with a comprehensive list of sailing and nautical terms. Or if there is already a link from to such a glossary, please point it out to me. That's the librarian in me coming out.

And if this is the magical 10th post that I'm posting, I might get to start adding grogs!! Woo-hoo!!

~ Suzie B. ~


I'd highly recommend you pickup a copy of David Seidman's book The Complete Sailor.  It is a great book for novice sailors and about $16 at the local bookstore.  It's very well written with good drawings. :D

As for an online glossary, try here
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


s/v "Aquila"
1967 Albin Vega #176

captain cajun

The Complete Sailor,  this book has helped greatly.  We have two copies, one on the boat, the other here at the house.

com-pac 16


Sounds like The Complete Sailor gets gold stars from a number of folks. Thanks so much for the resource recommendations!  :)

So the question remains -- did AdriftAtSea go sailing this past weekend?

~ Suzie B. ~


Donno about him, but I was out this weekend  ;D
s/v "Aquila"
1967 Albin Vega #176


No, but I did get the boat in the water this morning... now she's sitting in her old slip.  :D 

s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more

captain cajun

com-pac 16


Good for you, Nowell! I bet you had a fine time! Captain Cajun, I got photos recently from friends in Centennial, CO showing a big dump of snow. Yep, that's springtime in Colorado for you! I worked at Copper Mountain one season as a ski lift operator many years ago and the skiing season went until May.

Today (Monday) I had promised myself a day off to go rowing on a beautiful lake about 45 miles away from where I live. Got to the lake with my boat vest and gear to rent a row boat (they have a special deal on Mondays), only to be told that boats weren't being allowed on the lake due to high winds.  :'( Another good reason to get my own boat -- if one lake isn't OK for rowing, another one in a different area might be. The conditions were great for sailing -- water wasn't all that choppy.

Quote from: captain cajun on April 27, 2009, 04:07:30 PM
sailing no, snow yes  :'(


This is a note for KickingBug1 -- don't know if you and other trailer sailors know it, but there's a Yahoo Group dedicated to you folks with 1,530 members so far:

There are supposedly 520 Yahoo groups dedicated to small boat enthusiasts of one kind or another.  :o Gotta go check 'em out.

~ Suzie B. ~

Quote from: kickingbug1 on January 10, 2009, 03:05:34 PM
looks like im in the minority here, as im just a trailer sailor (cp 16) but non the less im happy to join in. if i know one thing its that i can learn a lot from expierenced sailors. even though my "voyages" only include a trip arround carlyle lake ( in illinois) i do enjoy reading about other peoples adventures- a sailor is a sailor is a sailor    you can quote me  (sanity is sailing)


Luv2row- there's another trailer sailor group also. Called Trailer Sailor, interestingly enough. Many who post here also belong over there, including our esteemed CaptK :D Great bunch of folks- We consider many of them family.

Action there runs to 4 hundred or more posts a day sometimes.

They also have a separate forum just for ComPac owners.

Picture shows the Trailer Sailor Burgee flying on Tehani
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Did you say burgee!  ;)

"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward

captain cajun

Mr. Tim, are those plastic ties holding the flags to the shroud?  Hope it is, I need a simply way to attach my flags on the boat.  thanks
com-pac 16


Yep zipties, something else I wish I had invented :)
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward