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New boat - Westsail 32

Started by Bubba the Pirate, January 23, 2016, 11:50:07 AM

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Bubba the Pirate

So, I found an amazing deal on a Westsail 32. She needs a little work, of course. Nothing scary. This has been my dream boat ever since helping Alex move his Westsail 42, Eleanor, down the coast last spring.

She's in Miami. I'll go see her in the next couple weeks to check her out and secure her somewhere. Then I plan to relocate there by June. She is in the water but dry in the bilge, basic electronics, sails OK, no galley, no engine. But I have LOTS of budget left for many of these things!  No name, might have once been Muriel. :op

I will be listing my Albin Vega which is in Muskegon, Mi soon. Anyone here, or on the Vega Yahoo Group, will get a preview earlier than other sites.

The as yet named W32:
Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


Glad you got to get the boat of your dreams. The best of luck to you in getting the projects completed and getting out sailing.
s/v Wave Dancer
a 1979 27' Cherubini Hunter
Any sail boat regardless of size is a potential world cruiser, but a power boat is nothing more than a big expense at the next fuel dock



Great off shore boat....lots of storage!

Post pics!!!   Before....during reno..after   ;)
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


Congrats to you! Westsail 32 is one of the few boats I'd buy if we ever upgraded from our Alberg 30. Pound for pound it looks like you are upgrading to a boat that is 3.5-4X the size of your Vega. 20kts will feel completely different!
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail


Congratulations.  Maybe we'll see you at a rendezvous someday.  We're on Mona, the funny looking, flush deck Westsail 32.  If you haven't already discovered it, has a lot of good information and parts. 


Mona is NOT funny looking.She's a good looking boat ., With a great crew
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


Quit !!!

We need PICTURES !!    (of both)

Really looking forward to before-during renos-after pics of Bubba's
and post a comparison pic of Mona

I was on one years ago....a 40fter magically shrunk to 32
Tons of storage and exellent engine access!!!
God made small boats for younger boys and older men

Bubba the Pirate

Let me know if this works. Here is a link to a folder on my google drive.  I bought her with only the three exterior shots. I cringed a little bit to get interior shots, because often if interior is left out of an ad there are issues.  Not that I don't have lots of things to attend to, I was greatly relieved that the interior is not so bad!  If you squint up into the v berth, you can see green paint. The PO bought it from another sailor who had apparently painted the whole interior that color. He's been splashing white paint around, but I can deal with all that.  I will be down there the first week of February to secure the boat and possibly attend an orientation for a flexible-ish trucking job down there as well.

Cheers and thanks for your support. Can't wait to get to bragging.  :o)

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


Congrats, great looking boat, you will have lots of fun.
"Mariah" Pearson Ariel #331, "Chiquita" CD Typhoon, M/V "Wild Blue" C-Dory 25

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
W.A. Ward


I like the tail lights for night time red lamps.   ;D  But really, we looked at a couple of other Westsails, and the interior could be a lot worse.  Even our boat, which was the best of the bunch, had terrible problems.  A little green paint ain't no thing. 


Great looking world cruiser.
I look for subtle places, beaches, riversides and the ocean's lazy tides.
I don't want to be in races, I'm just along for the ride.

Bubba the Pirate


I've found work in Ft. Pierce, where I'm going to keep the boat to work on her. I'm moving to Florida next week.  I've got to move the boat about 100 miles from Coconut Grove to Ft. P.  Then the fun begins. 

Lots of updates to come. 

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


Sounds great

Look forward to updates and PICTURES.  :D
God made small boats for younger boys and older men


What are your plans for moving the boat without the inboard engine?


Quote from: Bubba the Pirate on February 04, 2016, 08:03:21 PM

I've found work in Ft. Pierce, where I'm going to keep the boat to work on her. I'm moving to Florida next week.  I've got to move the boat about 100 miles from Coconut Grove to Ft. P.  Then the fun begins. 

Lots of updates to come. 


A man on a mission!
1976 Westsail 32 #514 Morning Sun
Preparing to get underway!!
USCG 100T Master Near Coastal with Inland Aux Sail

Bubba the Pirate

Quote from: ralay on February 05, 2016, 08:59:21 AM
What are your plans for moving the boat without the inboard engine?

First, I will inspect the rig, the sails and the boat with special attention to the wooden boomkin and bowsprit. These are problem areas on some Westsails.  Once she's hauled, I plan to replace them with stainless steel versions thru  If everything looks decent, then I will proceed:

The plan is to catch an early morning offshore breeze when I've got 48 hours of forecast with no northerly wind component. I believe I can wiggle my way out of the Biscayne Channel and into the Atlantic. After I'm out, any wind E, SE, S will combine with the Gulf Stream to make for a nice ride past the Gold Coast to the Treasure Coast.  :-)

She is a big heavy boat, but I think it can be done, slowly but surely  [quit calling me Shirley!].   I have switched my Towboat/US to saltwater from great lakes. However, they are only going to do me any good if I get near to Ft. Pierce.   

I have a problem if I can't move by sail but I'll cross that bridge if I have to.  I haven't been able to find a DIY marina in South Florida that would work for me.  I might have considered Indiantown, but that would mean getting towed halfway across the state on the Okeechobee Waterway.  There are some decent options for DIY yard in the Tampa Bay area, one that I have history with, but I don't want to attempt to get around the Keys against the Gulf Stream with no engine to get there. Especially since wind in my favor would be against the current.   I'm sure there might be a way to do it, but I have a job in Ft. Pierce now anyway. 

I also have recent history with Riverside in Ft. Pierce. I was there for about a week at the end of the trip down from New York. Alex's W42 is still there. I get to see him and Carla in March when they come back to finally move Eleanor to Panama. 

Also, I am getting a dinghy that needs repair and a questionable outboard. I don't put much faith in an outboard pushing a 19,500# boat so it is not in the plan (yet).  :-)

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29


Find someone to sail with you for the move.  Can Alex do that?  His skills would be quite an advantage as you work out just how the new vessel handles.  He will be very valuable in teaching you some of the characteristics of your  Westsail.

The dinghy may not have a very big outboard, but inside a marina the wind is often flakey, and any motor allows maneuvering.  You will need someone to be in the dinghy while you steer the Westsail,

The weight of the Westsail is not the issue as much as windage.  Take plenty of gas for the little motor, as the consumption will be much more than an inboard at the same speed, due to inefficient propeller size relative to the speed.

Best wishes on your start on the refit!



Yep-moved a 45 foot steel hull  in the ICW through bridges and locks, many miles with a 10 HP mounted on another boat strapped to the stern.

And I moved Tehani around with a 2.2 HP

Just takes WHOLE lot longer to stop
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


darn, I would not be comfortable sailing our Westsail without the engine in good working order.  Good luck to you. 

If you're gonna go for it, I would pick a strong south wind and hope to Neptune that it doesn't peter out on you anywhere near Ft. Lauderdale.  Also, remember that the Gulf Stream will rob you of apparent southerly wind.  We motored that entire leg, because the 10-15kt south wind forecast all week became a paltry 5-10kts as soon as the water started moving 5kts.

But If you've gotta motor, it's nice to motor at 11kts.  8)

Bubba the Pirate

I am working on having crew with me.

Two months on the 42 gave me some feel for it.

I don't have a choice in moving her. All the South Florida marinas I talked to won't rent by the month because the price goes up(!) every two werks. They want you in & out. No long term projects.
Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29