Article - Navy Brings Back Navigation By The Stars

Started by Jim_ME, May 08, 2016, 01:22:13 PM

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I recently read that the Swedish Navy also is getting their old, dilapidated "secret" fairway markings in order for the same reason. To be able to covertly navigate along the coast and through the archipelago without GPS or radar.
It is incredible that this hasn't come up sooner!
I look for subtle places, beaches, riversides and the ocean's lazy tides.
I don't want to be in races, I'm just along for the ride.


We were worried about jamming, mostly via EMP, back in the early 1980s when I was Haze Gray and Underway. I'm kinda surprised it took this long to revive the ancient art. But then I haven't picked up a sextant in 30 years  :P
S/V Phoenix Triton 28 #190
Tiki 30 #164 (Year 4 of a 2 year build)
Spray a Siren 17
Luger Leeward 16
Plans for a Hitia 17


Today, there was a story on NPR's Living on Earth about the vulnerabilities of GPS and our dependence on GPS for so many of our systems. I was surprised to learn that many companies are quietly bringing back Loran as an alternative (Loran "E").

The story should be somewhere in today's show, which can be listened to here...

Also found this article...
Loran---staging for a comeback


I thought Loran was dead.  Without government operated stations it doesn't work....... I had thought that the system had been dismantled.   In aviation we have fought to keep the VOR system operational for the same reason.  It takes some "skill" to operate, but if your breath can fog a mirror, it should be within your capabilities.  If not you shouldn't be flying!!

Celestial navigation can be incredibly complex....... or fairly simple, but in inclement weather it is useless.  Your ability to dead reckon is a matter of life and death, and dead reckoning is "black magic", when you factor in ocean currents..  You'd better be making observations at EVERY opportunity.



My brother has been forced by family circumstances into, erm, 'reducing his amount of stuff'. He threw most of it away, but gave me his older but basically unused Astra IIIb sextant. Wow! I'm stoked. :)

Time to do some learning, I reckon...
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