May 2017 UPDATE: Forum Attachment (and Gallery) upload size increased

Started by CapnK, May 10, 2017, 12:02:08 PM

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Because so many pic-taking devices now shoot at larger sizes and this causes issues, I have increased the File Size per Attachment to 4mb here in the Forum (formerly 1MB). Images posted in our Gallery can be *over twice* that large (8mb size and up to 5600pix on a side).
That should be enough, I think, to make it easier for those who don't want to resize or who have difficulty doing so to get their images online here.  :)

We can change this to suit as many as possible, if need be. But I gotta know about it, first, to then be able to do something about it. :)

With the above in mind: Please Be Neighborly!

What do I mean? Maybe you have unlimited or large amounts of available data, and fat 'pipes' that get it to you fast, but ***not everyone else does***. Maybe they are traveling and have to use satellite or dial-up to access the Forum, or perhaps are in an area/country where broadband is NOT as ubiquitous as other places, and so if you can scrunch your images a bit before posting, it could make a huge difference where you might never know about it, but I am sure your effort would be keenly appreciated by the recipient of your unselfish kindness. :)

On a related note, I was reading an article just last week about an Asian country where the entire nation of millions is served by 1 - just one - fiber line coming ashore before being split into the many, many end points far down the line where individual users have access. Most of those millions of people get their 'net info at speeds we here in the West haven't had to 'deal with' since back in the 90's. Let me tell you - waiting for a single 4mb picture to download at 56kb SUCKS, especially on a spotty connection. (I remember how much. Blech.  :P)

Here's an article I found with a quick search which has 3 apps for Android to resize images easily:
I haven't used these apps or vetted the article, but its a start and an example, and I'll leave the rest up to you - there are a lot of ways to do this quickly and with little effort.
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera

Bob J (ex-misfits)

Absolutely, thanks.
I'm not a post a picture type of guy but I know a couple of members had shown interest in electric propulsion.
I'll give it a try, see what happens.

I'm not happy unless I'm complaining about something.
I'm having a very good day!