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Boat show season

Started by Solace, January 04, 2006, 03:42:08 PM

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It's a little more than a week before the Toronto Boat Show, our opportunity to put a little summer into our winter (sigh). I like to make a list of planned purchases - and another list of things to research.
This year I think I'm going to break down and buy a new DSC VHF radio with an extra WAM mic. The VHF I have now works fine but its ancient (Uniden President MC 480), believe it was recovered from the Ark.

Just wondering what the best boat show find was for you? My dockmates have raved over last years find - the Bridgenorth bailer (boathook that bails and can be used as giant squirt gun - you can guess which one was the favoured use). The best purchase I think I have made is probably a pair of Dubarry boat shoes at discounted price. How about you? Maybe I can add some things to my list to check out.

Thanks to all for your responses.



I was told there would be no boat show this jear in Atlantic City.... Anyone else heard this and why? :'(


Where I am is so far out in the boonies, our "boat shows" are mostly bass boats and power cruisers. So, to date, my best find was that I can spend the admission fee in a pub on India Pale Ale and have more enjoyment than if I'd gone into the show. ;)

I would like to go to one of the big ones someday, just for the experience. I'd have to go with no method of paying for "stuff", likely, because I already have plenty of that onboard my wee vessel, and barely room for any more other than stores. :)
Please Buy My Boats. ;)


I love going to boat shows and ssca gams and all that stuff so last spring, after NOT being anywhere near one for a few years, I saw an advertisement for a "Boat and RV show" hosted by one of our local dealers.  I was jonesin a bit so headed in to check it out.  The hit of the show was a 20' aluminum river boat with a big Honda outboard that would go through water 2" deep!  They actually drove it over dry gravel bars.  It was a very different kind of show, I tell ya. 

Jack Tar

Went to the Seattle boat show this past weekend. Lots of goodies at the indoor show. More sailboats than I have ever seen before at the Boats afloat section over on Lake Union.  Sunday I went to Anachortes to look at a Nauticat 44. Quite a boat. Very nice. Awe struck as I was 200K was just a bit of a reach.
It's not about the sails the boat or the rigging it's about  freedom

Pixie Dust

If work does not get in the way, I am planning on heading to Miami for the Sail show the weekend of Feb 16th.  I have not been to that one, but it is supposed to be pretty huge.  I am really excited about going.  My want list is a long one.... better take the plastic....maybe even a tow behind trailor.  :)  Maybe all you winter bunnies should take a little trip to the sunny sunny south?
Maybe next yr I will be attending by boat.   SWEET! 8)
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


I live on my boat therefore my whole life is one big boatshow.and thats why I yam the way that I yam.
"I will be hoping to return to the boating scene very soon.sea trial not necessary"
Rest in Peace Eric; link to Starcrest Memorial thread.

Pixie Dust

I have a friend with a 27' Bayliner Buchaneer and the name of his boat is "YAM"
We laugh and call it the D$#n Yam.
I bought my boat show tickets today so I Yam going!   ;D
Looks like some really good seminars are offered.  I plan to hit some of those, too.  (it will keep me from spending so much $$)   ::)
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2


I thought about the Toronto Show, but instead am leaning toward the Strictly Sail Chicago. Both are about a 7 hour drive, and although I love Toronto, I havent been to Chicago since Navy Bootcamp. Plus I am not sure of the US- Canadian crossing laws. Used to just drive on through, but not so sure anymore. Anyway the kids would love the museum of science and tech.
I did go to Annapolis and it rained all day, but after a few painkillers, it didnt seem to  matter. I checked out the new hunter 25, and almost left with her. It was a very well designed boat with room for 4 sleepers and a marine head, and came in at $20,000 after the dealer had a few painkillers. I would rec the Annapolis show to everyone. It was a very fun and laid back day.
I am old-fashioned. I prefer a sail-boat to a motor-boat, and it is my belief that boat-sailing is a finer, more difficult, and sturdier art than running a motor.  Jack London

Pixie Dust

Hey all from Miami.  I have been having a great time at the boat show!!  Stuff, stuff and more stuff.   Fun last night at the Latts and Atts party!  Picture this, Eric Stone playing, pizza just ran out, beer is still flowing, everyone is having a great time.  Sunsail puts a lot of beachballs out and it is a party of hundreds of people over the age of 30 batting and volleying beach balls to keep them in the air.  Our group seemed to be a target spot.  About the time I volleyed one forward, there was an incoming one at a pretty good rate of speed.  I pounded it toward the back of the crowd, turned around just in time to see it slam into Bob Bitchins' face.   :o   He was just too tall for it to clear and he was only about 5 ' away.  OOPS!! He batted his eyes a few times, looked shocked, spotted the perpetrator, then thank goodness, started laughing.   
Good for a laugh.   ::)  Lots of good seminars and some good deals.  Will share some info later. 
s/v Pixie Dust
Com-pac 27/2

Please Buy My Boats. ;)

Lost Lake

I am so disappointed in the all sail show :(

Maybe it's just me, but I was really looking forward to talking to several sail refurbishing vendors, seeing neat new stuff for my boat, checking out fabrics and interior enhancements, and looking at exotic destination brochures.

What I saw when I first walked in was about 15 sailboats ranging from 36 to 50 feet! Oh sure they are beautiful, but who in the world sails these things? I saw winches big enough for tug boats, each one cost a cool $5300.00.

SailCare was there, but nobody was manning the booth. Harken had a huge display, but I can see that on the website, and they didn't have anything for sale, so I couldn't pick up any of the doodads I need anyway.

There were some wonderful electronics to see, and I'd love to have them, but most were for the 50 foot cruisers, not my little 20 footer.

I finally found the ComPac display and I talked to two reps, neither was familiar with any boat older than 2005. One of the owners, Rich Hutchins, was there and I tried to talk to him, but there was a guy that kept talking and talking to him so I gave up. I was looking forward to buying a ComPac hat and jacket, but they had nothing there at all for sale.

I got the impression that this was a show for the big boat drivers with unlimited cash to spend. The vendors I talked to all asked if I sail. I thought that is a very odd question to ask someone at a sailboat show!

So after $80 in fuel, $23 to park, $30 admission, and many hours of trying to seem interested in really big boats, I left feeling like someone popped my favorite balloon.

I don't think I'll go back next year. Is it just me? Did I set my hopes too high or was I unrealistic  on what this show is?

Captain Smollett

Quote from: Lost Lake on February 03, 2008, 12:46:18 AM

I got the impression that this was a show for the big boat drivers with unlimited cash to spend.

I've never been to a "sail-only" show, but this is the impression I got from the one boat show I DID go to (many years ago).  That, and bass boats.


I don't think I'll go back next year. Is it just me? Did I set my hopes too high or was I unrealistic  on what this show is?

I don't think it's you - THEY are the ones with the problem.   ;D

Your presence on THIS site indicates that you are at least a little out of step with the "boat show" crowd anyway. Boat shows are like living magazines - they exist to push (or make real) advertising.  Hence all the eye candy and fluff.

Now you know.  And thanks for letting the rest of know, too. 
S/V Gaelic Sea
Alberg 30
North Carolina

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  -Mark Twain


well, I KNOW Edey and Duff were there with the Sakonett. Friends went and visited them.

Laura and I worked a booth at SS Chicago several years ago with 4 boats I had built, UNDER 20 feet. In that show there were a number of smaller boats shown, besides ours.

Lats and Atts were there when we were and we met and chatted with Bob and Jody.

I got an Ultimate hat from that booth as a birthday present from Laura. Plus there were many other displays, from mast climbers to furlers.

So things must have changed a good bit lately.
Charlie J

Lindsey 21 Necessity

On Matagorda Bay
On the Redneck Riviera


For the most part I don't think the boat shows have much for the people who frequent this site, nor us for them.  I don't think most of us can afford to buy the quality we demand for the new prices.  People can no longer afford to pay a quarter of a million bucks for a quality 28 footer.  The quality builders are going broke. (Sam Morse - Bristol Channel Cutter).  My Triton is now 48 years old.  I paid $3825 for her with a Yanmar and a good hull. I've spent two years and about $5000 to get her where she is now.  Most of what I've spent for has come off ebay at rock bottom prices.  No one even builds a boat like this anymore.  If you want this kind of quality, you find a good old 60's hull and go to work.  There are plenty of them out there for less than $3000.  There are givaways that people are just tired of paying slip fees or they love their boats but are no longer physically able to use them and want them to get into the possession of someone who will maintain and love their baby....I haven't been to a boat show in 30 years and I wouldn't was my time going to another one unless I had something to sell.  That's not going to happen.  As soon I get some legal things cleared up, I'm going looking for some palms sitting on white sand rising up out of crystal clear water....


Don't forget to add Pacific Seacraft to the quality builders that have gone broke recently.
s/v Pretty Gee
Telstar 28 Trimaran
Yet we get to know her, love her and be loved by her.... get to know about My Life With Gee at
The Scoot—click to find out more


The above is why I like the St. Pete Sail Show. No mobs, and with the "Lookie Lou, the big pretty boats are over there on the water . . . ," folks 50 yards from the show. I must admit I did go out on a 40+ boat. It was the first time I saw an "all power" boat, want something up/down or in/out, push the color coded button.
The St. Pete show revolves around the vendors, ringed by the program presentations. All within a 5 min. walk under sun and sky (tents for vendors and programs). And, love that free Lat's and Att's Party with free pizza and beer and band, with the cruisers raffle prizes. I even parked 100 feet from the entrance both days there. Next year, check it out.
"The great secret that all old people share
is that you really haven't changed . . .
Your body changes, but you don't change at all.
And that, of course, causes great confusion." . . . Doris Lessing

Shipscarver - Cape Dory 27

Bubba the Pirate

I agree, it is not you; it is them.   

For the same reason that we all hang out here and not on other boards, the boat shows are not really for people like us.   

I went to Chicago last year.   The most fun I had was meeting Bob and Jody and watching the kids run the R/C sailboats.   

I would recommend the seminars.   I saw John Kretschmer  speak; went to a Celestial Navigation session and saw a woman speak.   She and her husband have sailed the atlantic several times.   I can't, for the life of me, remember her name. 

And really, I have stopped reading Latts and Atts very often.  I like looking at beautiful boats (and deck fluff) but their magazine is really a lifestyle magazine and not one that I get a lot of practical benefit from.   Sometimes impractical is good, but I find it less and less so. 

Todd R. Townsend
       Ruth Ann
      Bayfield 29

Lost Lake

The seminars looked to be very interesting, but I brought my wife and children with me that day and did not want to make them sit through something they may not have interest in.

There were many great speakers I wish I could have listened to. Maybe another year.


The Left Coast shows , unless you have $$$$$ the Seminars are "IT"!!!
Vice-Commodore - International Yacht Club